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Raelynn's POV

*Couple Hours Later*

A couple of hours and a whole mall later we had all found our official dresses, and shoes for homecoming.

I would show you, but wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

After all the shopping we did, we were starving so we decided to go get something at the food court.

We sat at a table in the middle of the food court munching on soft pretzels from Annie's Pretzels.

" I don't care what anyone says, these are the best pretzels." Mack moaned taking a huge ass bite.

Char and I both shook our head in agreement, stuffing our mouth full.

" So after homecoming we should all come back to mine." Char suggested.

" I thought your parents were gonna be home?" I questioned.

She shook her head, taking a sip of her lemonade.

" No. Their stay an extra 2 weeks. Something about my great aunt being really sick or some shit." She rolled her eyes.

" Well damn Char. Sympathy much?" Mack exclaimed.

" What? I've never met her." She shrugged. " Anyway, with them being gone makes for a good place to hang. Especially with your guys weed problem."

I dropped my mouth, throwing a hand over my heart.

" It's medicinal." I shrieked in a voice similar to Chloe's.

This caused Mack to bust out laughing, almost choking on her pretzel.

" Medicinal my ass. What medical issues do you have that you need to smoke so much?" She asked, tilting her head.

I shrugged my shoulders. " Fun?"

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

" Wait." Mack said swallowing the rest of her bite. " You can't call it fun, when you don't even do it anymore." She pointed out.

" I still do it." I defended. " Just not as often."

" Huh. Naw. You've become a lame." She said holding out a 'L'.

I smacked her hand away, rolling my eyes.

You know what. I need some fun anyway. Why not bring back the old me for a little while.

" Whatever. You guys come over tonight, and I'll prove you wrong." I crossed my hands over my chest.

" Ooo sounds like a challenge, but I cant." She sighed.

" What? Why?"

" Asher, he's been having issues. So I'm having to babysit him, and make sure he doesn't drink himself to death."

" Then bring him." I offered.

" Wait. Really?" She asked sitting forward in her seat.

" Yeah. I don't see why not. He's my friend too."

" Okay thanks."

I shook my head, going back to eating my pretzels.


After the mall we all parted our ways, agreeing that they would all meet at my house in a little while.

When I got home I walked my dress upstairs hanging it up in my closet to prevent from any wrinkles.

Walking back downstairs I walked into the living room picking out a couple of our favorite horror movies for tonight. Then I walked to our hall closet grabbing a couple of pillows, and blankets placing them neatly on the couch.

Stepping back I realized that I really didn't have anything left to do. When they got here we would be ordering pizza, and most likely the girls would be bringing more snacks for our munchies, so that knocked out food. And heaven knows I have more alcohol than an alcoholic would have in their house.

I decided that since I had time I was going to go for a quick swim.

Walking back upstairs and into my room stripping out of my clothes and into my swimsuit.

I grabbed a towel, and my phone walking into the backyard setting everything down on a patio chair.

Walking to one side of my pool, I dived in head first feeling the water hit my face.

Stroking my arms ahead of me, and kicking my feet I swam all the way to the other side without coming up for air.

I flipped my hair back as I came up for air to prevent from looking like Bloody Mary with my hair hanging in my face.

Going back under I swam a couple of more laps, letting out all the frustration, and anger I had pent up.


" Asher, my blunt." I screamed as Asher pushed me into the pool from behind.

I pulled my hand out from underneath the water to reveal an unlit blunt in my hand. I huffed looking up at a chuckling Asher.

It had been a couple of hours since my dumbass friends had came over, and Mack and I were blazed off our ass, while Asher was tipsy. And of course Char was the sober one who was watching to make sure none of us drown.

I walked my way over to the edge of the pool, pulling my self out and walking over to the patio table.

Throwing down the old blunt that was in my hand I picked a pre rolled one taking a long drag from it.

As I took my drag I felt someone behind me wrapping their arms around my waist. I turned my head to see Asher baby blue eyes looking down at me.

" Your drunk." I whispered taking another drag.

I felt the smoke travel to my lungs creating a burning sensation, causing me to start coughing up a lung.

" Told you. Your like a newbie all over again." Mack shouted from the pool.

I threw up the middle finger towards her, causing everyone to bust out laughing.

I sat down the bud in the ash tray, turning around to face Asher.

" I'm buzzed by the way. There's a difference." He whispered in my ear.

As he whispered in my ear I started to feel a certain way. It was like there were butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

I made a irrational decision wrapping one hand around his neck, and laying the other at his side.

I pulled down on his neck pulling his face toward me, making our lips meet.

After his initial state of shock he started to move his lips in sync with mine.

We deepened the kiss entangling our bodies further together.

All of a sudden we pulled away feeling the tap of a finger against both us.

We looked up to see Mack standing there drenched in water.

" Not that we don't enjoy the show and all but I thought this was supposed to be a sleep over instead of a porno."

I rolled my eyes pushing on her shoulder.

" You know what. Your exactly right." Asher said with a devious smile.

We both looked at him with a worried look.

" Lets have the sleepover fun begin." He shouted.

He picked up Mack throwing her over his shoulder and running into the pool.

I laughed as I heard the frightened scream of Mack, followed by a big splash.


XOXO ParisBesties

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