Dress Shopping

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Heaven's POV

Kio dropped off back at home.

He gave me a hug before leaving. Although I'd love for us to kiss, shit, I've been dreaming of it for years, but were just now starting something.

Even if we've been super close for years, I still don't want to rush things.

I walk inside and go up to my room to change into something more comfortable.

I walk inside and go up to my room to change into something more comfortable

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I then head to Evans room and knock on the door

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I then head to Evans room and knock on the door.

"Uh, come in." He said.

I walk in and close the door behind me before going over and sitting on his bed.

"Why were you super pissed yesterday when you came home from practice?" I asked.

He didn't answer me as he continued to play his dumb game on his ps4.

I snatched the controller away.

"Hey!" He yelled.

I pressed pause on the game and set the controller down next to me.

"Why were you so pissed yesterday when you came home from practice?" I asked again.

He sighed. "Why do you want to know?"

"As your big sister its my job to know what's wrong with my little brother." I answered.

"That's your excuse for everything. If I were you and you were me you wouldn't like it either." He said.

"Yes I would get annoyed from time to time knowing my business never stays my business but I'd rather have an older sibling who cares for me and checks up on me and asks me what's wrong all the damn time then a sibling who doesn't give a shit." I said.

He looked down at his hands as he fumbled with his fingers.

I sighed. "Whatever." I said getting up and leaving the room, slamming the door.

I got downstairs and pour myself a cup of orange juice before heading outside onto our deck and chilling on the 'porch couch'.

As I'm sipping the orange juice Evan comes out and sits next to me.

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