Not my mother

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Raelynn's POV

As I stalked through the court yard I heard my name being called from behind me. 

I tried to ignore it as much as possible, but couldn't as soon as someone wrapped their entire hand around my upper arm spinning me around. 

Doing a 180 I was brought face to face with Asher, who looked as irritated as the rest of them. 

" What the hell was that?" He questioned harshly. 

" What was what?" I asked, acting stupid. 

" Raelynn you know what I'm talking about. You just exploded on coach for no reason. You also just quit the team leaving us fucked."

I shrugged. " You'll be fine."

He widened his eyes, taking a quick look over my face. 

I was trying hard not to just break down. I didn't need everyone seeing me weak. 

" Are you being serious? We can't play this season without a specific amount of players. Where the hell do you think we are going to find a player as experienced as you?"

I shrugged again, staying silent. 

" So your really willing to let all of those people down? Your willing to let me down?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. 

I looked past his shoulder, then back at him.

I shook my head, still remaining silent. 

I was afraid that if I spoke they wouldn't be words, but tears. 

" What is going on with you? You know how much football means to me Rae. Why are you being so.." He paused. 

" Selfish." I said finishing his sentence. 

He shook his head. 

I knew I was being selfish. 

But I was done trying to make everyone else happy. 

In the end it just like I seem to hurt everyone instead. 

" What's going on with you? Your not the same person anymore. It's like you've changed since Saturday. You went completely silent until yesterday afternoon and you didn't even text me, your boyfriend. Talk to me Rae." He said softly. 

I looked to the ground and tears started to sting my eyes. 

Taking a deep breath in, I waited for the tears to disappear before looking back up. 

" There's nothing wrong. I was just having a little fun." I shrugged. 

" A little fun with who?" 

I looked at him straight in the eyes.

" I have to go." I said quickly. 

Turning around there was radio silence.

He didn't even bother to protest. 

I walked to my car, getting in the drivers side. 

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted Kaliyah. 

Me: We don't have practice today. Can you pick me up after school?

Kaliyah: Uh yeah. That should be fine.

I sat my phone down and looked ahead of me. 

Tears started to slowly fall down my face. 

I don't think I've ever hated myself more than I do right now.

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