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Raelynn's POV

I slammed the door to my car shut, walking up the pathway to my front door.

After seeing the video, and all the comments honestly I couldn't do it.

Call me weak, call me whatever the hell you please but I couldn't face everybody.

I quietly opened my front door, making sure to twist the door knob to prevent the loud clicking noise it made when it shut.

Looking around the front of the house, I tipped toed to the stair case, only able to get one foot on the first step before heading my moms voice.

" What the hell are you doing home?" She questioned, causing me to turn around.

" I just couldn't be at school today." I answered softly.

" So you skip?"

I shook my head still looking at the ground.

" I don't care what the reason is that you decided to come home is, but I suggest you get you rear end back in the car and go back to school."

I looked up from the ground to see her standing there with a stern look on her face.

" No. I'm not going back." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

" Excuse me? You can't talk to me like that."

" Why do you care all of a sudden. You think you can waltz back into this house and just start ordering me around."

" RaeLynn Faith, watch your mouth." She shouted.

" No mom you watch yours. You are never here, and even when you are here you are either hanging out with your dumb ass friends, or too busy pointing out everything wrong I do. But truth is I do everything you want me to do. I joined cheer, I'm getting excellent grades. What else do you want? Because I don't think I can give anymore. I'm in pain and it's not just because my boyfriend of a year cheated on me, but also because I have no one anymore." I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes.

God I've been doing a lot of crying lately.

She stood there with a blank expression on her face. It's like she didn't care or she didn't know how to react.

I scoffed, shaking my head.

" Of course you have nothing to say. You never do."

I turned around and jogged up the stairs leaving her there.

I slammed my bedroom door closed, sitting on the edge of my bed as the tears fell down.

I quieted my breathing as I heard the front door slam shut, and a car start outside.

I rushed over to my window and watched as my mom sped out of the driveway.

I'm so stupid to think she would ever actually give a damn.

* Couple of hours later*

Waking up I heard my dads voice outside my bedroom door.

" Rae baby. Can I come in?" He questioned through the door.

" Yeah." I shouted sitting up.

He walked him with a soft smile on his face.

" Can I sit?" He asked pointing to the spot next to me.

I shook my head, biting the inside of my cheek.

" I heard what happened with your mom." He said softly.

I shook my head messing with my hands.

" Are you okay?"

I shrugged my shoulder, not knowing how to answer that.

" You know your mother loves you with her entire heart."

I looked up with a questioning look.

" Are you sure about that?" I whispered.

" That's the one thing I am actually sure about. She may not show it in her actions but she does. She raves about you guys and how lucky she is to be your mother all the time. I think just after spending so much time working she just doesn't know how to connect with you. " He sighed.

In my heart I knew what my dad was saying was true. I knew she loved me, but does she actually care?

" I know. But sometimes I feel she doesn't care dad. She always yelling at me and pointing out all the wrong I do. Never once does she ask me about my feelings. That's the one thing I miss about being so close with Aunt Paris. She always asked me about my feelings and how I was doing. Never once did she yell at me for my wrongs, she just talked them out with me. But then she started to travel more, and I've kept my feelings bottle up since then." I admitted.

What I said was true all the way. When I was close with Paris, she was my bestfriend too. She always made sure that I expressed my feelings and that I knew she could help me if I needed it.

When they started to travel more and go all over the place that stopped. I think that's why I hold so much hate towards her, all of them now.

" Baby she does care, but she's just doesn't know how to show it anymore. She's had to deal with so much of watching people die, and not being able to save them. She's just scared that if you come to her with your feeling and problems that she won't be able to help."

I shook my head.

I understood where he was coming from I do. But I still don't know how much more I can take.

" Plus. If you ever need anything, or to talk. I'm right here. I'm know I'm not a girl, and I don't understand that much. But I do care, and I'm always up to listen to anything." He said patting my knee.

I smile a light smile, shaking my head.

At least someone cares.


XOXO ParisBesties

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