Talk with Coach

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Raelynn's POV

By the time I was leaving Heaven's house it was pretty dark outside which sucked. I absolutely despised driving in the dark. It always heightened my anxiety. 

Finally pulling into my driveway, I shut off my car grabbing my bag and slamming the door behind me. 

I jumped back as I noticed a figure stepping off of my porch and towards me. Freezing from fear I slowly reached my key into the lock of my car trying to unlock the door. 

As soon as I got the key in the lock, the figure stepped into the light that beamed off of my garage. 

" Jordon?" I exclaimed, putting a hand over my heart. 

He pulled his hood off his head, stuffing his hands in his pocket. 

" Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized. 

" What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned harshly. 

I looked at his face examining the visible dried tears that lined his face. He looked down at the ground as he noticed me staring. 

" I-i." He stuttered. " I just needed someone to talk to." 

" Why'd you come to me?" 

He shrugged. " Your the only person I can talk to that really cares enough." 

I noticed his shoulders start to shake up and down, as he tried to stifle his cries. 

" Hey, what's going on?" I questioned putting a hand on his arm. 

He looked up wiping under his eyes. 

" We're moving." He whispered. 

I raised an eyebrow. 

" Why is that so bad" I asked slightly confused. 

" Because we're moving back in with my dad Rae." He started to cry. 

I dropped my hand from his arm, as my eyes widened. 

" What? Why?"

" Because mom can't pay for the house we live in on her own, and she refuses to let me help."

" So she's just going to forgive your dad?!"

" She claims he's changed, but I don't believe that. And I'm scared Raelynn. I'm so fucking scared." He started to cry harder. 

I pulled him into my embrace rubbing circles on his back. 

" Shh. It's okay." 

As I held him in my arms I heard the bush that sat in between my neighbors house and mine rustle. 

I instantly looked up seeing something behind the bush move. 

I watched it for a couple of more minutes, but just shrugged it off as being an animal. 

" Hey why don't you come in for a few." I suggested, pulling away from the embrace. 

He shook his head, using his sleeve to wipe his face. 

I led him up to the front door, letting him in first then me shutting the door behind me. 


Waking up this morning I was pretty hesitant of actually going to school. Considering I was starting football practice today, I did not get enough sleep. 

After inviting Jordon in we talked until like 1:30 in the morning about, everything really. 

And I know what you might be thinking, but we only talked. I'm not trying to play with Asher's heart, even know he played mine, I'm not that type of person. 

I pulled myself up out of bed, and into the bathroom to get ready for the day I had ahead of me.

After getting fully ready I walked out of my bathroom, and over to my closet. I got down on my knee's digging through the bottom of my closet to find some of my old football stuff that I still kept from my childhood. 

As I pulled out the bag I unzipped it taking a quick look at it, before swinging it over my shoulder. Walking over to my bed I grabbed my phone that sat on the nightstand, then walked out my bedroom door and downstairs. 

Grabbing my car keys off the counter I walked straight out the door and to my car. As I got into my car I swung the bag full of football stuff in the back seat next to my cheer bag. 

I put my keys in the ignition, and threw my car in reverse pulling out of my driveway and starting the car ride to school.


As I was walking through the courtyard I heard my name being called from the direction of the locker rooms. 

I turned my head, and raised an eyebrow as I see coach waving me over. 

Looking over to where my friends stood in the courtyard, I turned my direction and started walking towards where coach stood.

" Yeah coach?"

" I need to speak to you. Mind stepping in my office?"

I shook my head following her into the girls locker room, and towards the back to her office. 

Walking in ahead on her I sat in one of her chairs, as she closed the door to her office. 

"So what'd you need to talk about coach?" I questioned as she took a seat in her desk. 

" Well i was asked to talk to you about how the rest of your schedule is going to go with you being on the football team now."

" What do you mean? It's pretty simple really, School then football practice."

" Not really. Just because your a girl does not give you special treatment. You are being required to attend practice before school at 5 am too." She informed me. 

I totally forgot that I would have to go to practice before school too. My sleep schedule gonna be all sorts of fucked up. 

" Okay, is that all?"

" No. Just because your starting football does not mean you will be dropping cheer. You will be attending half of cheer practice, then the rest of the time you will be at football."

I gave her a weird look. " Not to sound rude coach, but I won't even get to play in games. What's the point?"

" Well if your wanting to be in cheer next year you'll need to stay with the program. Which means staying in practices." 

I nodded my head. 

" Was that all?" 

" Yes." she said standing up from her chair and walking over to the door of her office. 

She opened the door allowing me out ahead of her. 

As I walked into the main part of the locker room I was surprised with all of the girls standing around waiting.

" What are they doing here?" I questioned, turning towards coach. 

" We have an assembly." She informed me. " I need you all to put on your cheer shirts that were given to you at the beginning of the season. Then walk your way over to the gym, I'll will be right behind you. 

We all shook our head, understandingly then walked to our lockers. 

That's weird. I don't remember any assembly on the schedule.


XOXO ParisBesties

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