Making Peace

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Raelynn's POV

After my talk with my dad I realized that in order to feel better within myself I needed to make peace with the things I was allowing to cause me pain.

I grabbed my car keys and my phone saying goodbyes to my dad. Jumping in my car I started my drive to Paris's house.

Once I turned into her driveway I started to feel my anxiety build up. I pushed it aside and walked to her front door knocking lightly.

I waited a couple of minutes until I came face to face with Aspyn standing in front of me.

I caught myself staring at how bad she kinda of looked. She looked like she'd been crying all day and it made me kind of sad for her.

" Can I help you?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

" Oh um I was just wondering if your mom was home?" I asked snapping out of my trance.

" Uhh yeah. She's just in her room. I can get her for you if you would like."

I shook my head putting an appreciative smile on my face.

She closed the door slightly going upstairs to get her mom.

I stood at her door awkwardly looking around, just trying to keep myself distracted.

Hearing the footsteps come down the stairs I look at the door as it opened back up and Paris stood there.

" Hey Rae. How can I help you?" She questioned slightly confused.

I took a deep breath before answering her.

" Uhh I just needed to apologize for what I said yesterday. I uh I.." I stuttered.

I took another deep breath.

" I guess what I'm trying to say is that I didn't mean it the way it came out. Heaven is a really great person and I really appreciate her for showing me the video. So if you don't mind telling her how much it really meant to me. I would tell her myself but her and I aren't on the best of terms as you know." I chuckled slightly.

She returned the chuckle holding on the the door.

" I will make sure she knows. Thank you for coming by honey." She smiled.

I shook my head, turning to walk away. I took one last glance back giving one last smile before she closed the door.

Now it was time for me to talk to the one person that I was probably going to hate talking to the most. Jordon.

I pulled out of the driveway of Paris's house and looked at the time on my stereo. Right now Jordon was most likely still at the school. But he wasn't going to be there long considering practice was almost over.

I stepped on the gas trying to get to the school as quick as possible. Talking to him wasn't that serious but I still rather do it at the school instead of his house.

After a couple of turns and runs through red lights I was pulling into the school parking lot. Just in time too.

I threw my car in park and rushed out of the car, rushing over to where Jordon was throwing him football gear in his trunk.

" Jordon." I called stopping him from getting in his car.

He turned around with a confused look on his face until he seen me.

" Hey." He nervously said, running the back of his neck.

" Hey."

" Did you need something?" He questioned.

" Uhh. Yeah. I just needed you to know I don't hate you." I told him looking in his eyes as they boomed with shock.

" You don't?" He exclaimed.

" No. I couldn't if I wanted to. I just hate all the hurt that you put me through. I hate that you made me love you, then you betrayed me. I hate that you felt the need to cheat. I hate that you thought you could break a heart that wasn't yours to break. But I don't hate you." I answered truthfully.

" I really am sorry. I don't know what came over to me. I guess I just felt the pressure of being like one of the guys." He said looking down at the ground.

" I'm not forgiving what you did. I'm just putting it behind me. Because I can't focus on what you did, or what I didn't do to make our relationship work for you. I need to focus on my future and being better with myself."

He nodded his head with an understanding look in his face.

" Friends?" He questioned with a small smile.

" Maybe. We'll work on it." I answered.

I gave him one last glance before walking away from him, and back to my car.

As soon as I sat in the seat I was finally able to breath.

It felt good to be able to close that chapter of my life. To not have to keep focusing on what I did wrong or why we didn't work.

He will always be somebody I love. He was the first person I truly let in to love me for me. But now I need to let him go.

I started my car and pulled out of the parking lot.

I had one more person to talk to before I've made my entire peace.


Pulling into my driveway I noticed my moms car that sat there.

I don't know why but this conversation I was about to have was the one that was making my anxiety go the craziest.

I not scared to express my feelings to my mom. I'm scared of what she would think about what I have to say.

I pulled myself slowly out of my car, and reluctantly walked to my front door.

As I put my hand on the door knob I took a deep breath in.

And this is too making peace.


XOXO ParisBesties

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