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Raelynn's POV

I woke up this morning happy that it was finally Friday, and I had an entire full two days to myself. 

Moving the blankets away from my body, I slid out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready for morning practice. 

After getting ready I still had 15 minutes to spare until I had to leave. Grabbing my bags and phone I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

I sat my bags down on the counter then grabbed a bowel from the cabinet, pouring myself a bowel of frosted flakes. 

I poured a little bit of milk in the bowel then slammed the drawer shut, walking over to the island and sitting in one of the stools. 

As I shoveled spoon fulls of cereal into my mouth, my phone buzzed next to me.

Char: Are you still mad?

What the hell was she doing up at this time? 

Me: Char, why are you up?

Char: Because I barely slept knowing you were mad at me.

Aww. That kind of warmed my heart knowing she cared that much about our friendship. 

Me: Mad, slightly. I more annoyed with Mack for starting anything. 

This text was so true. 

Mack was the one that starts shit for no reason. She was the one in the group that loved the drama. Hearing it, and starting it. 

But after all the shit she said to Heaven yesterday, I had been getting dirty looks every time i seen Heaven.

Char: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to start anything.

Me: It's fine really. I've been dealing with it for a while, I can deal with it a little long. 

We had one more week until we were done with this project which means less time I had to spend with her. The only time I would be seeing her is in Bio and Football practice.

Char: I truly am sorry. 😣

Me: Like I said it's fine. I'll see you at school. 

I finished chewing the last bite from my bowel, then walked the bowel placing it in the sink. 

Grabbing my bags from next to where I sat I walked out the front door making sure to lock it behind me. 


After a "practice" I walked to the girls part in the locker room to take a shower. 

This time I was alone, because not only was Heaven not here, neither was Evan. For some reason I was worried but just shook it off.

I grabbed all my things I need from my locker then walked into the shower. 

Getting out of the shower I got ready for the rest of the day.

Getting out of the shower I got ready for the rest of the day

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Once I was done getting ready I slammed my locker door shut, pulling my bag up for school up on my shoulder

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Once I was done getting ready I slammed my locker door shut, pulling my bag up for school up on my shoulder. 

I walked out of the locker room shutting off all the lights. 

Seeing Asher waiting for me by a tree outside the locker rooms I walked over by him, smiling a big smile. 

" Hey sexy." He beamed. 

" Hey."

He placed his arm over my shoulder as we walked towards the courtyard. 

" So you excited for our date tomorrow?" 

" Of course. But is it casual or dressy?" I questioned looking up at him. 

" Just dressed nice." He shrugged. 

I rolled my eyes, mentally slapping myself in the face. 

" Asher. Girls can't just dress nice. Is it a casual nice or a dressy nice."

He looked at me with a weird look. 

" Casual, I guess." 

Boys. They just don't know. 

He opened the door to the school allowing me to walk in first. 

I walked in, walking toward Bio leaving him standing there. 

" Hey! Where's my goodbye kiss." He shouted. 

" Up your ass, that's where." I shouted back with a smirk playing over my face. 


School and practice were finally over which meant I finally had the weekend to myself. School was quiet boring, nothing major happened. Heaven, and Evan were still nowhere to be seen.

Now practice was where the fun was. Chloe fell during a tumble and twisted her ankle.

Saying goodbye to some of my teammates I jumped in my car throwing my bags in the back. 

Putting my keys in the ignition I rolled all my windows down, and cranked up my radio. 

Pulling out of the parking lot I got a couple of looks from some people, but I couldn't help it. I was in a good mood. Not only did I have time to sleep in but I also had a date with Asher tomorrow. 

I drove down the main roads rocking out to my favorite songs that played on the radio, letting the air run through my hair. 

Not even 5 mins later I pulled into my driveway, turning down my radio as I looked at the lights that were on in my house. 

I parked my car, trying to think back to this morning. 

Okay, I definitely did not leave an lights on. I would've remembered. 

I slowly got out of my car holding my keys in between my knuckles as I made my way up the step.

I wiggled the front door knob, as it was already unlocked. 

Opening the door I cautiously walked into the house looking all around. 

I stopped in my tracks as I looked into the living room. 

" Dad?"


XOXO ParisBesties

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