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Heaven's POV

Me and Aspyn didn't smoke much, we aren't allowed to smoke and we were trying to get high.

We saw Evans car pull up and we headed back into my room and I his my stash of pot.

We ran to the living room and sat on the couch.

When Evan walked it we smirked at him.

"What?" He questioned.

"Oh nothing." I said.

"Look, I'm sorry-". He began to say.

"Oh shut up. We don't car about your meaningless apologies." Aspyn said.

He sighed as he went up to his room.

Me and Aspyn looked at each other.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY PS4!?" He exclaimed.

We giggled.

He came down stairs note in head, fuming.

"What the hell!?" He yelled.

"What's wrong Evan?" We asked.

"Where's my shit!?"

"Probably in the sewers, unless you don't flush, that'd be nasty." I said.

Aspyn chuckled "Dumb, but funny."

He grunted as he stomped down to the laundry room.

He screamed and we started dying.

He took his uniforms and ran upstairs to his room, slamming the door.

We sat there and laughed.

The front door opened and in came our parents.

They looked at us confused.

"What's going on?" Mom asked.

"Evan!?" Dad yelled.

His door opened and he came down with one of his uniforms.

Mom gasped. "What happened?"

Evan pointed at us. "They also took all my ps4 shit and won't give it back!"

They turned to us.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Mom asked.

"Woah, why don't you tell them what happened! Evan!" I said.

They turned to him and he averted his eyes.

"Evan..."Dad said.

"While we were at the arcade he ditched us for his football friends and when we asked to borrow his car so we can go to the trampoline lark and pick him up in a bit he said no and we had to call an uber." Aspyn said.

"And then when we were done at the trampoline park and were waiting outside for the uber to take us home, him and his friends showed up and he just watched us get in the uber and leave." I finished.

"We told you guys to stay together and have fun!" Mom said.

"We're not 12 goddammit!" Evan yelled.

"Oh you're not 12, you're throwing a hissy fit over some dumb gaming console that'll get you no where in life but the goddamn streets!" Dad yelled.

"Even though you're the youngest you're still a strong man! What if something happened to your sisters and you weren't there because you were hanging put with some lowlife jocks who use women for sex and throw them away and are disrespectful as shit! And don't say they don't because I know that team and their families." Mom said.

"It gives them no right to fuck with my shit! My uniforms in which I need! I need them for football which by the way DAD will get me somewhere in life!" Evan yelled.

"That's your main concern right now? Are you serious Evan? Yes we want you to have your games and play them, yes we want you to have you're football career.. But you just disappointed me just now. Your sister could've been kidnapped! Your sister could've been raped! Or murdered!" Dad yelled.

"Do you really wanna go through what Quinton and Sam went through and have thoughts of what you could've done to stop or change what had happened? Do you really want your sisters to feel what Blakely felt?" Mom asked.

We all looked at each other confused.

"Blakely was sexually assaulted by a kid at SCHOOL! And she was only THIRTEEN Evan! THIRTEEN!"

"Blakely didn't want to live in her skin for months and she cried for hours upon hours. Quinton and Sam felt terrible because even though they beat that boy up, they wished they were there so it would've never happened! The only difference is, is that they were in their locker room putting their soccer bags away so they didn't have to carry them! But you- you were too busy playing arcade games! What if something happened?!"

"There are women out there and teens their age, or even little girls out there whose body doesn't belong to them! They have to suffer! And they didn't have their dad, big bother, or even a little brother there to help. What if your sisters weren't here right now? They could be with some 40 year old man! And your main concern is some dumb football uniforms  and we could easily wash that shit out! We could find your dumb gaming console or buy you a new one! But if something happened to them.. they could have trauma or ptsd, and if they died they couldn't be replaced like the dumb shit your concerned about! And I have never been so disappointed, do you know how this makes us feel as parents? Because I know damn well we raised you better!" Mom yelled.

She started to cry and dad comforted her and took her to their room, closing the door.

"Your dumb gaming set is in the attic." I say as me and Aspyn walk past and go up to her room, shutting and locking the door.

We just sat there in silence as we let everything process.

We heard noises coming from the attic and we both looked at each other in disbelief.

"I hope he isn't getting that dumb console..." Aspyn said.

We heard his door shut.

"I hope he didn't seriously just get that console." Aspyn said.

We hopped out of bed and went into the hallway.

We stood by his door hoping and praying he didn't get the console.

We opened the door and my heart broke.

He was sitting there setting it back up and when he looked at us he looked emotional less.

I ran to my room, slamming the door.

Please tell me i'm dreaming. He didn't get the console. Its still in the attic.

I put my back up against the door and slide down repeating it over and over in my head...

...hoping it was true, knowing it wasn't.

XxxParisBesties 🥰

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