Talk With Kio

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Heaven's POV

When bio was over Raelynn stood up angrily and raced out the room.

I was super confused but didn't necessarily care, I just shrugged it off as I grabbed all my things and left.

It was time for math in which I had with Kio.

Kio only has 2 senior classes in which I have with him and that Math, and History, the two subjects he's best at.

When I arrived he sat in the very back instead of by me Aspyn, and Cherish like usual.

I didn't know wether or not I should go back there by him.

I sighed as I just sat in my normal seat.

"I hate that its so quiet. It feels... weird." Cherish said.

"I know, this is my first time at a school and I've only been her for 2 weeks but I can tell this isn't normal. Quite strange, and it gives me this eerie feeling." Aspyn said.

"What if this last for a while. Like all week next week and longer." I said.

"I don't know. Hopefully everyone comes back Monday happy again and over the loss ready to kick some ass." Cherish said.

"Hopefully." I said.

I turned and looked back at Kio.

"Go talk to him." Aspyn said.

I turned to her. "What?"

"He looks upset and he probably wants someone to talk to." Aspyn said.

"If he wanted me to talk to him then he would've stayed up here." I said.

"No if he stayed up here he would be quiet the whole time. He's back there because he wants you to talk to him. He wants to see if you Care." Cherish said.

I looked over at Kio who was looking at me. When he noticed I was looking he averted his eyes.

"Even if you don't think so, he does like you too Heaven. Boys usually want the girls to confess first." Aspyn said.

I looked down at my shoes.

"You don't have to tell him that today but eventually you should tell him. But for now, go cheer your manz up." Aspyn said.

I sighed as I got up and walked over to him and sat in the desk next to his.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Does it look like it?" He said harshly.

So much for him liking me and wanting me to talk to him. He can't even look me in the eyes.

"You know-" I say, but I stop and sighed. "If you don't want me to be here then I'll leave, but the least you could do is look at me." I said.

He doesn't look at me so I stand up and he grabs my hand and pulls me back down.

He then turns back away, but never let go of my hand.

He squeezed my hand tightly.

I laid my head on his shoulder and he stiffened a bit before relaxing.

He laid his head onto mine and I smiled.

"I feel really bad for letting the team down. Maybe Jordan was right. I shouldn't be one of the captains." He said.

"Kio you are literally one of the best football players I know. You guys lost one game, that doesn't make you a bad captain, or a bad player in general, captain or not. Jordan and the team have no right to talk that way, you play as a team, you win has a team, you lose as a team." I said.

"You won co captain fair and square, not because your a favorite, or a suck up, or paying your way for the spot. You got that spot because you are an amazing player, you are a great motivator, and a good person overall. Coach chose you because he saw something in you that he didn't see in Jordan or the other players."

"You've been playing football since you were 5 Kio. You have a lot of experience and techniques no one else has. You have scouts and scholarships that Jordan can only dream of having. So just because one jealous player brings you down doesn't mean you should bring yourself down. You deserved that spot. You have that spot. And you are great at the spot."

"One day your kids are gonna look up at you and think about how wonderful of a dad and football player you were and are gonna want to do what you do, or better and your gonna be the one to teach them how to be an amazing football player like you. One day your parents are gonna look down on you from heaven and watch you dust off all your trophies and football championships and say, "I'm so proud of my son"."

"So don't you dare, and I repeat, don't you dare say that shit again or I will tackle your ass." I said.

He chuckled."Thanks"

"Your welcome."

"I'm gonna tell you all my problems now. You say I'm a good motivation? Pshh! Girl! Look at you! You go girl!" He said.

I laughed as I snuggled closer to him. I wish we could stay like this forever.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead and I blushed.

My heart started to beat really fast and the butterflies in my stomach were out of control.

The bell rang I was super sad, I didn't want to get up.

Kio let go of me and we got up and got our things to go to our next class.


It was lunch time.

I got my food and sat at our table. Evan decided to join us instead of sitting with his football friends.

I kept looking up af Kio and he kept looking at me, and every so often we'd catch each other staring.

The principle then came in the speakers.

" Good afternoon students, and staff. If I may ask for everyone to quiet down, we have a some here who would like to say a couple of words." Mrs. Jamison greeted over the intercom.

I didn't hear about no speech at lunch and I usually hear everything.

" Good afternoon everybody. My names Raelynn, most of you have probably know me or heard about me. I was asked to come on here and talk about the events that took place last night." Raelynn began.

" Last night was hard. After a hard, and strenuous game we lost for the first time in 2 years. My heart broke as I watched some of the players sit with the look of defeat on their faces, or even some breaking down in their parents arms. Some of you players may be embarrassed that I am saying this over intercom, and that's alright. But I'm also here to tell you that the feelings you are having are OKAY to have. For the past 2 years you have played a great game and kept up that streak. But last night was a hard one, and you guys played with everything you had. So just know that this one lost is not to decide the rest of our season. And it should not decide how you guys chose to play as a team in the future. We are all human and we all make mistakes, mistakes that are hard to swallow but they do happen. Not one person in this school is mad at the way you played last night Titan's, so remember that. I hope we can all move on from this, and take the that W next game. Thank you for listening, and I wish you guys a good rest of your day." She finished.

" Well Titan's I hope you can take what Raelynn said to heart, because she is most definitely right. Anyway I hope all of you have a great rest of your day."

Everyone in the cafeteria cheered and clapped before settling back down.

Wow. Raelynn has a way with words, for once, I'm impressed.

I hear the cafeteria doors open and I watch as an angry Raelynn stomps over to Jordan.

"Oh shit."

XxxParisBeaties 🥰

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