My Name

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Heaven's POV

After practice was over I got in Evan's car with him and we drove home.

When I arrived mom, and Lucia were waiting for me.

I went up to my bathroom and quickly changed:

Today we were fixing up the building a bit and I was super excited, I couldn't wait to finish and see the final product

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Today we were fixing up the building a bit and I was super excited, I couldn't wait to finish and see the final product.

But one thing that wouldn't leave my mind was, what was Raelynn doing right now?

I hope she was talking to her family.

Before leaving I headed to Aspyn's room to check on her because she wasn't feeling well, and when I walked in I saw that she was fast asleep. I hope she gets better soon.

After I left her room I ran downstairs and we all went out and got in the limo and headed over to the building.

Once we got out the car I looked at it and smiled.

I will never get over how gorgeous the exterior looks.

The interior was okay, it needs a little.. What's the word? Dazzle? I dunno but it could be better and that's exactly what were gonna do.

Some of the workers were already inside getting to work.

Mom took me to what would be my future office when we were done and left me there to clean it up as she did hers.

We all have our own office, Cherish and Ilani should be here soon to clean up there's.

Kio's mom already talked to my mom about everything and told her everything she needed to know to have a successful business and what she had to do when things go down hill and what not.

Anyways my office was pretty big but it was also pretty messy.

The floors were torn and the paint was coming off, it smelt like dead fish in here, and there were cobwebs everywhere and it was super dusty like I could see the dust in the air as well.

How could the outside look so good but not the inside?

What they do? Upgrade the outside and leave the interior for the buyer to do?

Well actually that makes sense, never mind, forget I said anything.

I walked out and got a broom and went back to my office and started to sweet the dirt and everything else up.

It was really disgusting watching everything turn into one huge nasty pile but it will be worth it in the end.

After wards I call some workers in and we all begin to rip up the floor so we can replace it.

It was actually easier than I thought, TV shows make it look like a lot of work like the TV show uh.. Fixer upper?

Anyways that's besides the point.

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