The Wishing Well

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Heaven's POV

It was almost 11pm at night.

Raelynn, Mackenzie, Asher, Kio, Cherish, and Amara were all here with us.

All of us sat in the living room.

I continued to shake as the image kept replaying over and over and I couldn't get it out my head.

Kio hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Mom said.

Mom walked over to the door and opened it. She was talking to the person but I couldn't hear.

Seconds later a man in police attire appears in my view.

"I need Raelynn and Heaven." He said.

Me and Raelynn looked at each other and followed the cop onto my porch.

"The video was taken down, all the videos were taken down. Whatever plan you guys had was great and all and it helped a lot of people but you are no longer allowed to continue this. This caused a teen to commit suicide on camera and I'm already getting calls from hospitals of people getting PTSD from the video." He explained.

"But we just wanted to do something inspirational and-" Raelynn began.

"Hush now." He said and Raelynn instantly shut her mouth. "No more." He said sternly.

"Ok." I nodded. "Yes sir."

"Ye sir." Raelynn said, irritated.

I nudge her and she looked at me.

I gave her the 'don't you dare' look and she instantly looked down at her feet.

"I understand what you girls are trying to do. Its good yes but a girl killed herself and we don't want anyone else doing the same during these videos. We don't know how she stopped and posted it but all we know is if we see either of you to starting it again or something similar or he's talk about it you both will be arrested." He said.

We looked at each other wide eyed.

"Do you understand?" He said.

"Yes sir." We said in unison.

"That's all." He said before leaving me and Raelynn went back inside.

"What happened?" Aspyn asked and everyone looked at us, waiting for a response.

I instantly broke down and Kio hugged me tightly and I felt a couple people join the hug.

When I peeked out I saw Raelynn crying in Asher's embrace with Charlotte and Mackenzie comforting her.

"I can't believe she actually killed herself." I said.

"Shh baby. Don't think about it." Mom said.

"How can I not think about it!? The whole point of this was to not assume things and inspire people to be in other peoples shoes and not be selfish when the entire time that's what I did with Raelynn and her friends, and Amara, and Chloe and Linda. And then she shoots herself on camera and it won't stop replaying in my head and I feel like its my fault because my speech with Raelynn encouraged her to make a video and I made I video and people started making videos and she just-" I cried.

"Shhh. I know. I know." Mom said as Kio let go so my mom could hug me.

"It is not your fault love. She chose to take her own life because she couldn't handle anything anymore and she had no one there for her, no one to talk to. Everyone makes mistakes, were human and humans aren't perfect, just because she was an ass to you and you assumed things and you helped inspire thousands of people doesn't make it your fault. You did good Heaven, I'm proud of you for what you're doing." She said as she rocked us back and forth.

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