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Heaven's POV

*the next day*

It was already after school and practice. Nothing really happened that day except the talk me and Raelynn had in the locker room.

I went up to my room and showered after I ate dinner and I got ready for bed.

After I was done I sat on the bed and opened my laptop and found some more videos.

As I was scrolling through the page I noticed a couple videos by people I really wanted to watch.

I clicked on Amara's.

"Hi my name is Amara Dorin. I never really had a bad life like most of you out there and god bless your souls."

"But my life still wasn't perfect. Well at least I thought it was perfect at one point. It was me, my mom, my dad, and my little sister Lara, she was a year younger than me. We were so close."

"And when my parents got divorced my dad took Lara and they moved to California. I don't have their contacts and I haven't seen either of them since the day they left. We weren't making enough money and we lost our house. We had to live in a small one bedroom apartment."

"It was so lonely. My mom was always working her ass off to make money so we could pay the rent and be able to afford ramen and eggs. School was really hard because we never got to get school supplies for the school year and I always had to ask for a pencil and a notebook and a folder. I could never buy a school lunch and kids would laugh when my stomach growled at school."

"And one day my mom came home with a guy. I hated him and my mom because I thought she never had time for me because she was just busy working. But she was bust working and meeting a guy and I thought this would become a thing, bring a new guy home every week. She did bring a guy home every week but it was that same guy."

"I still hated them. They never gave me any attention and one day mom told me to pack, I was sad because I thought we got kicked out again. But when I went outside there was a limo waiting, with the guy inside there. He took me and my mom into his home and he would cool for us, he tucked me in and kissed my forehead and told me goodnight."

"I started loving him, and I called him dad for the first time and he was so happy." Amara wiped her tears. "He hugged me so tight and whispered in my ear that 'he will always be there for me and that the first day he walked in that apartment and saw me he already declared me his little girl, and I promise to love and care for you.' And I ever since then I've always called him dad and I've always loved him as my father."

"And that's when they got married and I met Linda. We were so shy and scared but our parents pushed us to each other and told us to play together. We just stood there and looked at each other and next thing you know were playing princesses. She became my sister, my best friend. And I loved her so much. They moved by us and she went to school with me and I finally had someone to play with at school."

"And then we met Chloe and we were all super close but then something happened with Chloe and she never opened up. She never told anyone and she became distant. And then when she started talking to us again, she had changed. And she changed Linda."

"I just want to say that there will always be people out there who are there for you even when others aren't or they were and then they stopped. There is always that one person who you may not know now, but don't give up hope. You'll find them soon. I found mine many years ago and I'm so happy to call, Greg, my father. Thanks for listening! Bye!" And the video ended.

I scrolled until I found Chloe's and I clicked on hers.

Her face was already tear stained and my heart instantly broke for her. I've never seen her that way. She looks... Broken.

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