Surprise proposal

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Raelynn's POV

" Hey honey." He smiled, quickly standing up from the couch. 

" I thought mom and you weren't supposed to be back until Sunday morning?" I questioned sliding my shoes off my feet. 

After taking my shoes off I noticed my dad's nervous posture, then I noticed the absence of my mom. 

" Wait, where is mom?"

He rubbed his hands against his pants straightening them out, as he walked over to where I was standing. 

" Honey why don't you sit down." He offered snaking an arm around my shoulder. 

He pulled my towards the couch, pushing me down with the force of his arm. 

" Dad what's going on? Your starting to worry me." I asked looking up at him. 

He sat down next to me on the couch taking my hand in his. 

Okay, now he was definitely starting to worry me. 

I quickly looked at our hands held together then back up at him. 

" Your mom's not here." He answered bluntly. 

" Well obviously." I said sarcastically. 

He looked down at the ground taking a big gulp. 

" No, what I mean is your mother is not coming back. Not right now at least."   

I widened my eyes, pulling my hand away from him. 

" What do you mean?" I exclaimed. 

" Honey, your mom and I are taking a break."

At those words I felt the air leaving my body.

" Your getting a divorce." I asked, shooting out of my seat. 

" No, not at all. We are just taking a little bit a time away from each other."

" What the hell does that even mean?" 

" Honey your mom and I are just taking some time apart. Our relationship is not what it used to be."

" Time apart? You guys get time apart all the damn time with her trips she takes for work." I shouted, running my hand through my hair. 

" Rae, please calm down." He motioned with his hands. 

" Calm down? You just told me you and mom are taking a break, which if your asking me sounds like you guys are breaking up." 

He rubbed a hand over his face. 

" So what she's just going to stay down there with that lady?" I questioned, with a raised eyebrow. 

" Yes. For now."

" So was this the plan the entire time? For you to go down there, and her to stay there and just abandoned us?" 

" No. Not at all. Going down there we thought the arguments we were having would get better. But they didn't. So she made the rational decision to stay." 

" That's not rational dad. That was her way out." 

" Don't say that Raelynn Faith. If we look at all the years your mother and I have been together, these past 2 years have not been the same. She's changed. Which is not a completely bad thing. We are just having a hard time making it work." He explained. 

I shook my head, choking out a sadistic chuckle.

" Yeah you keep defending her dad." 

I walked away leaving my dad in the living room, and over to the stairs . 

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