Abandoned Building

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Raelynn's POV

After leaving the school I traveled my way to this abandoned building that was downtown. 

It was a place that My friends and I found back in 8th grade when we all snuck out, and walked the town. 

When we found it we agreed  that is was a cool place that we could hangout, and that's what we did. We spent many nights sitting on the roof smoking, drinking, and laughing our asses off. 

But eventually we all gained our own problems in life, and we started using it as a space for us to go individually just to think. 

I pulled up across from the house, parking on the side of the rode.  Getting out of my car I ran across the street and into the back, passing all the cool graffiti/art that lined the wall.  

Finding the ladder that sat against the back I carefully climbed up it and onto the roof. 

Walking around a short wall that stood on the roof, I noticed someone sitting in the exact same spot that my friends and I used. 

I instantly recognized the sweatshirt as being the one I remember Asher wearing before he had stormed out of the school. 

Quietly walking over, I sat next to him swinging my legs over the side of the building. 

He looked over to me, then back ahead of him. 

We sat there like this for a couple of minutes, until I decided to say something.

" I didn't sleep with Jordon." I said looking at the birds that flew around the sky in a circle.

He shook his head." I know."

" You do?" I questioned turning my head to look at him.

" Yeah. Jordon texted me about how he was moving, and that you already knew because he talked to last night. And a bunch of other bullshit." He said, rubbing his hands together.

" Oh."

" I'm sorry I said what I said at school. I guess I was just pissed off." He apologized looking at me. 

I shrugged. " It's fine. But why were you at my house anyway?"

" I was coming to see you to ask you properly on a date on Saturday."

A big smile fell over my face.

 " Awww, Ashy was trying to be sweet." I teased, nudging his arm. 

He rolled his eyes, placing his arm over my shoulder and pulling me into his chest. 

" Only for you." 

I looked up smirking at his sexy features. 

" The answer is yes, by the way."

He looked at me with a confused face. 

" I'll go on a date with you on Saturday officially."

He smiled, reaching his head down and placing his lips on mine. 

For the first time in a long time, I can finally say I'm content with how my life is going. 


After a long and strenuous football practice I was horribly exhausted, but quite happy with the turn out. 

Not only did I get the position I always loved playing when we would mess around, but I also got Jordon's old position. 

It felt damn good to be able to replace him in a position that he never deserved anyway. 

As I walked out of the locker room I pulled my bags up my shoulders, then looking in front of me.  

I noticed Asher walking with a couple of the other guys ahead of me. An idea pooped in my head as a mischievous smile sprung upon mu face.  

I started to speed walk, picking up my speed to a light jog as I got closer to him. 

Springing forward I jumped on his back taking him and everyone else by surprise. 

" Carry me peasant!" I yelled.

He stopped in his tracks nearly falling forward, before stabilizing himself. 

" What the hell?" He exclaimed. 

I jumped off his back, as he turned around looking at me. 

" What can I say. I'm tired, considering Heaven and I carried half of the teams weight." I joked. 

They all looked at me slightly offended. 

 " You did not carry half of our weight." One of the boys defended. 

I rolled my eyes. " Whatever you wanna believe." I said kicking at the ground. 

They all walked away slightly chuckling, leaving Asher and I by ourselves. 

" Come, Miss. Princess." He chuckled swinging a arm over my shoulder. 

" Excuse me. A peasant should now how to address the royal." I rolled my eyes, sarcastically. 

He looked down at me with an unamused face. 

" Oh come on. Lighten up, Mr. Stone face."

I slightly hit him on the side with my hand, causing him to jump.

I looked at him with a weird look. 

" Are you ticklish?" I questioned with a wide mouth.

He shook his head acting all big and bad. 

I took my hand placing it against his side again causing him to squeal like a little girl. 

" Oh my god. You are." I exclaimed, stopping in my tracks. 

" Your delusional."

I ran up behind him taking both of my hands and placing them on his sides, gently tickling him. 

He jumped at my touch, going down to the ground with a girlish laugh. 

Busting out laughing I dropped to the ground, rolling around. 

" Y-y-you laughed like a little girl." I breathed out still laughing. 

I sobered up holding my stomach as pain started to radiate through it from laughing so hard. 

I took a deep breath. " You laughed like a girl." I pointed. 

He kneeled over me looking down with an annoyed look. 

" You are really annoying." He stated pulling himself off of the ground. 

" I know, but you love me." I smiled a big toothy smile.

He shook his head, holding out his hand for me to take. Taking his hand he pulled me from the ground using all his force. 

" Unfortunately."

My mouth feel open then into a pout.

" Your mean." I pouted, crossing my arms over my shoulder. 

" Shut up." He said throwing his arm over my shoulder again, pulling me along. 

As soon as he did that I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach again. 

 God I hated what this boy was making me feel, but then loved it at the same time.


XOXO ParisBesties

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