Disaster Thursday

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Heaven's POV

*the next day*

I woke up to my alarm and went downstairs for breakfast.

Today mom made biscuits and gravy.

I grab two and put it on my plate and put a lot of gravy on it. I grab a fork and knife and go to the table and eat.

When I was done I cleaned everything up and headed to my room.

I took a shower, did my face care, and got ready.

I grabbed my phone, keys, and volleyball bag and met Aspyn out by my car.

We stopped at starbucks for some coffee before heading to school.

When we arrived all the football players and cheerleaders were in the their uniforms cheering in the courtyard and hyping themselves and each other

I spotted by brother and waved at him and he waved back.

Me and Aspyn went inside.

"Its crazy out there." Cherish said.
"I know. They are so unnecessarily loud this early in the morning for a football game and it isn't even the schools best sport." Lucia said.

"Volleyball is!" I said.

"So there's supposedly going to be a party after the game if we win." Andrew said.

I rolled my eyes. After our game we just went to celebrate with some pizza, you ain't have to do all that.

"I'm most definitely going." Lucia said.

"We know." Cherish said.

Aspyn shrugged. "I'll come."

"Whatever." I said. "I'll go."

"Guess that means I have to go." Cherish said rolling her eyes, we laughed at her.

Class was about start so we said our goodbyes and went to our classes.

I was super excited to go to bio but then remembered I have to work with Raelynn.

I sat over in my new seat.

A couple minutes later and everyone was in.

I avoided all contact will Raelynn.

"Okay so our project is about planets. I want you to work as a pair to create your own planet. You have to come up with a name for it with its own scientific meaning. You need to tell us wether humans can live on or not. How hot it is, how cold, how big, and so on so forth."

"I have the paper here with everything you need to know. You all have to make a solar system and include your planet in there. You also have to write a 5 page essay. You're all astronauts who explore the planet and you have to put what it smells like, what it feels like, what you see, what you hear, what you did, and much more. Everything is on this paper that I'm passing out now." She said as she passed out the paper.

"You also have to supply yourselves. You have to get your own glue, your own paper, you own of everything." She said.

"This sucks." I said.

"Tell me about it." Raelynn said.

I looked around in my pockets and everything.

She made an ugly look at me. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for the the fuck asked you to say something." I said.

"I was agreeing with you but whatever." She said.

I rolled my eyes as I put the paper in between us and looked at it.

"Also this isn't an in class assignment you have to do this on your own time, and its due the day of the homecoming dance." She said.

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