Football Drama

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Heaven's POV

We lost.

I watched as Evan and Kio walked off the field throwing their helmets onto the floor.

Our football team hasn't lost a game in almost 2 years.

I hopped off the bleachers and ran to the boys locker room and knocked on the door.

Coach came out.

"Can you tell Evan to come here?" I asked.

He nodded as he walked back into the locker room. He looked disappointed and defeated.

Evan came out and instantly embraced me into a hug.

He started to shake and I knew he was crying and my heart broke.

You may think he's a crybaby and that this isn't that big of a deal but he has scouts watching him, he's captain, and he's carried this team ever since freshman year.

This was their first lost since he's been on the team.

I rubbed his back and comforted him.

"I failed as a captain." He said.

"No you didn't don't you dare say that." I said.

"But I did. I failed my team." He said.

"No you didn't. You were the best player out there and I'm not just saying that because you're my brother. You're an amazing player and an amazing captain. You lost one game, you guys can recover from this and learn from your mistakes and become better as players and a team." I said.

He nodded as he pulled away and wiped his tears.

Kio came out with his and Evan's bags. He handed Evan his bag.

I looked at Kio and I can tell he was gonna cry to. I held my arms out for him and he dropped his bags and hugged me tightly and began to shake a lot.

I could hear the other team coming out so I took Evan and Kio to a more private place so the team wouldn't see their captains crying.

"You guys did your best and that's all that matters." I said.

Kio never let go off me, he held me tightly. I felt warm in his embrace.

I've missed him, a lot.

I hugged him tightly back.


*the next day*

I wake up to my alarm, its Friday, thank god.

I go downstairs and make myself a bowl of cereal.

Evan had left earlier for practice and I was awake to give him a hug and tell him to keep his head up before he left.

As I was eating my cereal my phone dings.

I go to Instagram and see a post from one of the cheerleaders:

Last night we suffered a great loss, the first of the season. The first in two years. We are all sad and upset but we are going to reflect back on this one day and were gonna see how much we have improved since the loss and we will be grateful. Were proud of you Titans. You did your best.

I smiled at the post.

It so great to see this kind of positivity. That's all we need is to support our team because they were amazing, they are amazing.

I clean up my breakfast mess before heading to my bathroom and getting ready for school:

I clean up my breakfast mess before heading to my bathroom and getting ready for school:

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