More than Once

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Raelynn's POV

Finally getting enough energy I rolled out of Mack's bed.

It's time I stopped crying my sorrows away, and went home.

" I'm going to go." I whispered, picking up my phone from the dresser.

" Are you sure? You can stay the night if you wanted to." McKenzie sat up.

" No we have that stupid BBQ tomorrow, and my parents are probably going to worry."

She shook her understandingly.

" Right. Well we will see you there, okay?"

I shook my head, and put on a small smile before walking out her bedroom door.

Skipping down the stairs I looked into the kitchen to see Asher rummaging through the fridge.

He looked out past the fridge door keeping eye contact with me before quickly looking away.

I ignored his presence and walked to the to the door, laying my hand on the door knob I took a deep breath.

You know what fuck it.

" Did you know?" I questioned turning around.

He closed the fridge and looked at me with a confused look.

" Excuse me?"

" Did you know about Jordon?" I questioned again.

He dropped his expression and looked at the the ground.

" Rae."

" Oh my god you knew. What did he tell you this morning, or were you there getting a good laugh off of it?"

He looked up with a raised eyebrow.

" I wasn't even at the party last night."

" But you knew he cheated, right?"

" Not last night." He whispered.

My eyes widened at what just came out of him mouth.

" Last night, there were others times?" I questioned tear burning my eyes.

He looked up with sadness in his eyes.

" Rae, I thought you knew."

" No. I didn't know Asher. The only time I knew about was last night, but it's nice to know that it being going on a lot longer."

I opened the door and slammed it behind me.

There had been other times than last night and I'm just finding out now.

I'm am so stupid, and naive to every think he truly loved me or even that Asher truly cared about me.

I got in my car heading home. I really didn't even want to be there at the moment but I have no where else. No one else for that matter.


*the next day*

I jumped out of my sleep as I felt someone gently touch my arm.

When I finally calmed down and breathed I looked up to see Kaliyah standing back with a worried expression.

" What the hell Kaliyah!" I shouted.

" Sorry. I was trying to wake you up gently not scare you half to death."

" Sorry. I just didn't get any sleep and you know how I get." I apologized.

She smiled as she sat down next to me on the edge of the bed.

" Its okay. I don't know what your going through but know I'm here for you."

" I know." I shook my head with a slight smile.

She patted my leg then made her way out my bedroom door closing it behind her.

I ran my fingers through my hair taking a couple of minutes to remember what my life had been the past day.

And as soon as I did I wanted to sink right back into my bed and never wake up.

Not only did I find out that my boyfriend was cheating on me, but I also found out that someone I thought was my friend was keeping it from me.

But today was not the day to wallow in my own sadness. We had people coming over for this dumb BBQ and unfortunately I had to be there.

I tossed my blankets off of my body, stepping out of bed and making my way to the bathroom.

Once I turned on the light I looked at how horrible I looked in the mirror. My face was stained with dried tears from crying myself to sleep. Not only that but my eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

That was going to be a hard one to cover up with makeup.

I took a wash cloth from the rack next to my sink and ran hot water over it. I slowly and gently started to rub away the dried tears and mascara that crusted my eyelashes.

Now able to start with a fresh face I grabbed my makeup and curling wand from under the sink.

Considering my dress was blue with white polka dots, I decided to go with a subtle look for both hair and makeup.


After about 2 hours of consistently messing up my makeup, then crying because I was so overwhelmed. I was finally done and satisfied with the finished product.

I had done a light eyes shadow look with a neat winged eyeliner and mascara to lengthen my eyelashes.

Then after the accomplishing the makeup I toughed it out and was able to use my curling iron to place loose beach curls in my hair.

I quickly cleaned up the mess I had made in the bathroom placing everything neatly where I had grabbed it from.

One thing about me, I hated messes. Even if I was sad there was not to be a mess anywhere. Cleaning actually made me feel a little better.

I shut off the light and walked into my bedroom checking my phone.

I had 3 missed calls, and multiple different texts all between Asher and Jordon.

I rolled my eyes slamming my phone down next to me.

I wasn't going to let them ruin my mood right now. Even though I wasn't in the greatest one, I wasn't going to let them make me cry.

I walked over to my opened closet and grabbed my blue polka dotted dress off of the hanger.

Slipping out of my clothes that I had previously had on and into the dress I threw the clothes in the hamper.

I grabbed deodorant off of my dresser applying a couple of swipes, then applying a couple of sprays of my favorite body spray.

Just as I sat down the bottle my phone started to blow up even more.

I walked over to where I had thrown my phone and picked it up to see all the notifications. They were either texts or notifications from Instagram.

I ignored all of that, and pressed the power off button throwing my phone in my nightstand.

I really didn't need any internet drama that was going on, or any drama the boys were about.

All I wanted was to survive this BBQ, and move on with life.


XOXO ParisBesties

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