Small Inconvience

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Raelynn's POV

I stumbled down the stairs trying to sober myself up from smoking a huge one.

The BBQ has been going on for what I would call a while now considering the sun was starting to set.

While all my parents friends and their children were outside having fun swimming and talking. My friends and I were upstairs having a little party of our own.

I took a deep breath before opening the sliding back door and walking out to the backyard.

I put a fake smile on my face as some of the kids and adults turned to look at me. I couldn't tell if it was because my eyes were probably bloodshot or if they just felt bad because my mom told them what happened.

Walking over to where Paris and Easton was I grabbed a water, twisting the cap off and taking a sip.

" Hey Raelynn. I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing." Paris smiled.

" Fine." I shrugged.

" That's good. I heard about what happened. Good thing Heaven was there to bust him." She chuckled.

I widened my eyes and nodded my head sarcastically.

" Yeah totally."

" She has a good heart."

" I know right. She deserves a cookie." I said sarcastically taking another sip of my water.

" Excuse me?"

I laughed humorously, shaking my head as I walked away.

I was walking back toward the back door when I felt someone grab my forearm turning me around.

Let's just say I was met with an extremely pissed off mother.

" What was that?" She whispered in my ear.

" What was what?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

" Are you high?" She questioned pulling away from me.

" No." I said trying to hide a smile.

" Yeah. I think different. You get your ass in that house and tell those friends of yours it's time to go home. I'll wrap up this and be inside to deal with you." She whispered/shouted pointing towards the house.

I brought my hand up to my head, saluting her before turning back around.

As I walked back to the house I heard her voice boom around the entire yard.

" Hey guys. We are gonna have to wrap up a little early. We are dealing with a couple of small inconveniences. But I really appreciate you all coming out, and spending time. It really means a lot. Take your time getting your things." She shouted.

I don't know why she would lie. She could just say it was because of her daughter. They probably figured that anyway.

* Next morning*

I was awoken by pounding on my door and the sound of my sisters voice coming from the other side.

" Rae your late." She shouted.

I shot up in my bed looking at my alarm clock.


I cursed to myself.

After last nights activities my parents yelled and reprimanded me. They called me selfish for embarrassing them and my self in front of guest, who let me remind you have seen me in a diaper.

The only real punishment they game me was cleaning up the entire backyard after everyone left. Those people were fucking messy because it took me until midnight to clean everything back to the way it was, but I did it.

She also said that I was to apologize the next time I seen Paris for the words I said to her. Which I meant 100 percent.

Sometimes when I'm high I get attitudes I don't mean to and say things I don't me. But I meant that.

Did I kinda of feel bad about it? Yes.

But I still meant it.

I rolled out of bed throwing on a pair of black joggers and a sweatshirt.

I didn't have time to look all pretty today. I rushed to the bathroom, washing and brushing my teeth before grabbing my phone and cheer bag.

I took the step 2 at a time in a complete hurry. I've never been late to school and I wasn't going to start now.

Not even bothering to say my goodbyes to my parents, I swung open the front door and ran to my car.


I got to school in record breaking time with 10 minutes to spare still.

Grabbing my phone out of my bag I pressed the power button deciding to see what all I've missed.

As soon as my phone powered on notifications from instagram popped up left and right.

My face contorted to confusion as I opened Instagram.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach as soon as I seen what all the notifications were from.

It was the video of Jordon cheating on me at the party.

Why would they post this on the internet? To embarrass me probably.

I scrolled through the post reading the comments. I laughed at the couple that I had seen about Jordon, but then my face went blank as soon as I seen the ones about me.

Raelynn wasn't a good enough bang.

She ugly anyway.

If I was him I would cheat on her too.

Can't believe he dated her anyway.

Tears started to cloud my vision as I read through all the comments.

I don't understand why they would post this. It makes me look completely stupid.

Not only that but they would've had to know the comments they were going to get about me.

I threw my phone down and placed my head against the steering wheel continuing to let the tears flow.

I don't care what anyone thinks of me right now. I just can't take it.


XOXO ParisBesties

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