Planet H20.2

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Raelynn's POV

Pulling into Heaven's driveway I put my car in park, and grabbed my bag slamming my car door behind me. I walked up her sidewalk holding my bag close to my side, as I rung the door bell.

I stood there for a second before Heaven swung the door open.

" Let's get this over with." I sighed walking past her.

She closed the door, then walked up the stairs to her room with me following.

When we walked in to her room I sat my bag down and walked over to where she had the supplies sat up.

" So we still agree on the whole Planet H2O.2?" She questioned as she sat down.

" Yeah, but we need to write all the info down so go back over it." I said grabbing our worksheet from the middle.

She rolled her eyes with an annoyed look.

" So basically Planet H20.2 is a planet that is also known as a test subject. Basically everyday it's different. The weather is different, the atmosphere is different. The species that reside there is different. Which coincides with your suggestion. It's like that because this planet is off track from the rest. It's on the other side of the sun, and it's rotates around the sun completely different. Which explains why us as astronauts are there, because we are studying it." She explained.

As she was explaining everything I was writing all of this down on the worksheet that we were gonna use for our 5 page essay later on.

" Okay, so are you wanting to start on the solar system since we already have the supplies or the essay?" I questioned setting down the pencil.

" The solar system." She said in a 'duh' tone.

I shook my head, setting aside the worksheet in my lap.

" Okay, well let's get started then."


* Couple Hours Later*

It had been a couple of hours since we started to work on or project, and we were halfway done with the solar system. Currently I was finishing painting the sun, while Heaven was painting planet H20.2.

These past couple of hours had been filled with not a lot of conversation.

As I swiped my paintbrush over the sphere it flicked out of the side, splattering Heaven with some paint on her face.

I widened my eyes as she looked up with a pissed expression.

" I am so sorry He..."

I flinched back as I was cut off from the feeling of paint slinging against my face. Wiping my face with my hand I looked up to see Heaven looking at me with a mischievous smile.

" Oh you're on." I shouted grabbing more paint on to the brush.

She did the same, us flinging them at each other at the same time.

We stood up dancing around the tarp that we had placed on her floor to prevent from getting paint on it.

As I reached down to get more paint I realized that I was completely out. I widened my eyes, throwing my hands up in surrender.

" Okay, Okay I surrender." I laughed.

She threw down her paintbrush too, as we both bent over laughing our asses off.

She stood up taking in the mess that we had made all over the trap.

" I am so glad we put this trap down. My floor would've been fucked." She said sitting back down.

I shook my head in agreement.

" We haven't had that much fun with each other in a long time." She sighed picking up the paintbrush and continuing to paint Planet H20.2.

I moved around on the tarp hearing the paint squish around on it.

" Yeah. It wouldn't have to be that way if you didn't hate me so much." I sighed. " Which by the way, why do you hate me so much?" I questioned.

She paused her painting, looking up from the sphere.

At first she looked calm, but her mood completely changed.

" How about you mind your own damn business." She snapped.

I widened my eyes at her sudden outburst.

I am so confused on what just happened. We were perfectly fine, and now she's back to being a bitch over a fucking question.

" I was just asking a simple question." I defended.

" Yeah and I gave you a simple answer. " She replied.

She got up and walked into her bathroom keeping the door open.

As I heard the water turn on I grabbed my paintbrush and finished painting the rest of the sun as quickly as I could.

I really just wanted to leave, but I care to much about my grade to let someone ruin it.

After finishing the sun I got up from my place on the tarp and walked it over to where we had the rest of the planets drying.

Making sure it was sitting still I walked over to my bag and picked it up off of the ground placing it on my shoulder.

Just as I was about to open the door I seen Heaven walk out of the bathroom staring at me.

" Uh I finished the sun, so I was just going to head out." I said awkwardly.

She shrugged. " Whatever. You know where the door is. "

I shook my head throwing open the door.

I walked down the stairs.

Just as I stepped on the last step I seen Easton round the corner stopping in his tracks.

" Wow. That must be one messy project." He exclaimed referring to the paint splattered all over me.

I chuckled. " Yeah. Slightly."

" Well as long as it gonna be an A project." He shrugged.

I shook my head in agreement, as we stood there is silence.

" Well I better get going." I said, pointing towards the door.

" Ah yes I suppose you should."

He walked over to the front door opening it for me.

As I walked out of the door I gave him a small smile.

" Hey Raelynn." He called.

I turned around raising my eyebrow.

" I think it's a great thing that Heaven and you agreed to be on the football team. It's gonna bring back so much memories."

" Yeah It will." I agreed.

I watched as he waved a slight hand, shutting the door.

Seriously though, why does she hate me so much? Why do her, Aspyn, and Evan hate me so much?


XOXO ParisBesties

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