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Raelynn's POV

McKenzie and I sat on top of my roof, smoking our little lungs away.

Not only was I trying to easy my anxiety, I was also trying to get my mind of the fact that my boyfriend was at some party, alone.

" You know Ashers been acting's weird lately." Mack said handing the blunt over to me.

I took and huge puff handing it right back to her. I held it in for a few seconds before exhaling.

" He's a weird person in general." I told her looking up into the sky.

She laughed as she took a couple of puffs.

" Well yeah, but I mean weirder than usual. It's kinda like he's sad about something."

" Maybe he's depressed." I suggested.

Honestly I could probably tell her the real reason why he was acting like that, but I wasn't in the mood for that talk right now.

" Yeah. I just worry about him ya know. He's not hanging out with us anymore, and he's not really talking to anyone. He just stay in his room." She said with a saddened expression on her face.

I feel bad for keeping this from her. Asher is the only family she really has. Their parents are always gone so they cant count on them.

She handed over the blunt allowing me to take the last hit.

I inhaled deeply feeling the burn in my lungs, then exhaled letting the sensation take away all my worries.

" I think I might know." I admitted.

" Wait, what?" She questioned.

I threw the rest of the bud down to the ground watching it slowly fall.

" Asher. Well he admitted he was in love with me."

I looked over to see Mack's eyes widened, almost popping out of her head.

" Your joking right." She chuckled, nervously.

I shook my head biting the inside of my cheek, nervously.

" Oh my god." She exclaimed.

She looked looked into the clouds, skating her head in disbelief.

" What'd you say?" She asked turning her head towards me.

" What could I say Mack. He hurt me."

She shook her head in agreement.

Like I said Mack's my best friend. She knows everything. Even what happened between her brother and I.

Hell she was the one who tried to push us being together so much. But she was furious after she found out what happened. So furious, she didn't talk to him for 1 month.

" Are you gonna tell Jordon?"

" Hell no." I exclaimed. " That just going to create drama that's not needed."

" Are you sure that's the reason?" She raised an eyebrow.

" What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

" Are you sure you aren't telling Jordon because you possible feel the same." She suggested.

I widened my eyes at her.

" Mack, come on. You know I love Jordon."

" But are you positive about that. Because if your being honest with yourself you guys haven't been the same in a while. I wouldn't blame you if you were confused or scared to face the truth." She said propping herself up on her elbow.

God I hated the fact that she knew everything I was thinking.

" That the problem I don't know the truth. When I first met him I was madly in love, but's he changed Mack. And I don't know how to feel about that." I admitted.

I looked away from her as tears slowly sprang to my eyes.

I hated crying in front of people or anybody in general.

The last tome I cried in front of someone was when I lost my virginity, and that person laughed in my face right after.

" Hey don't do that."

Mack put her arm around my shoulders pulling me into her side.

" Jordon can be a good guy but he's definitely changed and that's not your fault. If you love him then you do what's right, but if you don't then do what feel right."

I laid into her some more, relaxing my entire body.

I wish that decision was easy as it sounded.


I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in bed as the knocking continued.

" Come in." I shouted, too lazy to get out of bed.

" Hey Honey. Your mother and I are going to get somethings for tomorrow. Do you want anything well we are out?" Me dad asked, peaking his head in the door.

" No thanks." I yawned, covering my mouth.

" Alright. Well you be safe okay. Your sister should be home soon. She's hanging out with some old friends."

I nodded with a small smile.

He returned the smile closing the door.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand next to my bed, and started going through it.

After last night when Mack went home I texted Jordon to see how the party was and he still hasn't answered.

Which I was hoping he was just drunk off his ass and still hungover instead of all the other bad thoughts going through my head.

I took a deep breath pushing back all the thoughts.

Pushing back the blankets off of my body I slipped off my bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed a mug from the cabinet next to the fridge and poured myself a cup of black coffee.

After taking a quick sip pushing back the face my body wanted to make.

I really despised hot coffee, but it helped with the headache from the high.

Just as I reached up to grab a granola bar from another cabinet I heard a knock at my front door.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the knock continued.

I sat down the granola bar and cautiously walking to my front door.

Slowly opening the door, my face contorted in confusion as I seen Heaven standing at my door step.

" I need to show to something." She said nervously.

Well this was unexpected.


XOXO ParisBesties

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