Getting Better

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Raelynn's POV

After practice was over, I walked into the locker room and sat on the bench taking a deep breath in. 

For some reason my asthma was kicking my ass today, which wasn't a very good thing. 

Looking up from the ground I seen Heaven smirking at me as she grabbed her shit out of her locker.

"What?" I questioned

"We all know what really went down, including coach." She said.

I sighed. "Yeah I kinda guessed."

I wasn't totally oblivious to the fact that everyone knew what had went down between Asher and I, but It was a good try at trying to hide. 

Heaven laughed grabbing her things and walking into the showers. 

Quickly grabbing my things that I had in my locker, I was trailing right behind her. 

After showering I got out and got ready for the school day ahead of me. 

Once I was done getting ready I stuffed all my stuff for football into my bag, then into my locker slamming it shut. 

Tossing my bag over my shoulder I walked over to the locker room door. Being the last person in here I made sure to shut of the light before walking out. 

When I walked out I looked around the courtyard for my friends. 

Once I spotted them standing by our normal spot, I walked over to them. 

" Hey girlie. How was football practice?" Mack questioned.

" It was eventful." I chuckled. 

" Care to elaborate?"

" Well I was late to practice this morning, because of a" I paused. " Slight inconvenience."  

Both Char, and Mack gave me confused look. 

" She means that she was late because the sex we had last night was so good we forgot to wake up this morning." Asher said out of now where, walking up behind me and slugging his arm over his shoulder.

My eyes widened as he held a mischievous grin. 

" So that's where you were last night?" Mack questioned with a smirk, well Char held a disgusted look. 

Poor Char. Her choice in friends is not the best. 

" Your dumb." I stated to Asher wiggling out of his grip. 

We all started to walk towards the school, Char and I in front well the twins were in back. 

" Was is good?" I heard Mack whisper. 

" Fuck yeah." Asher exclaimed in a whisper.

I rolled my eyes. " I can hear you dipshits."

" Oh well. I expect details later anyway." Mack said causing me to chuckle in response as we walked through the school double doors


Lunch had finally rolled around, but I was not on my way to the lunchroom. No i was on my way to the nurse's office to use my inhaler. 

Over the past couple of hours my asthma had got increasingly worse, but I wasn't to worried. I went through flair ups like this all the time. 

I walked into the main office, walking past the receptionist and down the hall to where the nurse's office was.

Once I reached the door I knocked a little before opening the door up slightly and peeking my head through. 

" Raelynn, honey. What can I do for you?" Nurse Jackie questioned standing up from behind her desk. 

" It's my asthma. I'm having a flair up. I just need my inhaler." I explained stepping into her office.

She instantly shook her head walking over to the medicine cabinet, and grabbing out the inhaler that had my name.

" Here you go." She said handing me the box.

I gratefully took it, taking the little red inhaler out of the box to use. 

I gave it a really good shake before holding it up to my mouth, and taking a big breath as I pushed down on the top. 

" Do you need me to call your parents?" She questioned. 

I shook my head, still holding my breath. 

" How about writing a note for sports today?"

I let out the breath shaking the inhaler again.

" Really nurse Jackie I'm fine. It's just a flare up." I assured her placing the inhaler up to my mouth and repeating what I did the first time. 

After I was done using my inhaler I placed it back in the box handing it over to Jackie. 

" Is that all I can do for you sweetheart?" She questioned with a warm smile. 

" Yes. Thank you."

I opened the door to the office closing back behind me as I walked down the long hall again. 

Walking out of the main office, I walked only a couple of feet down the hall swinging open the cafeteria doors. 

As I was walking to my normal table I looked around noticing the girls from Heaven's table glaring at my friends. 

I raised an eyebrow rushing over o the bench and taking a seat. 

" Why are they glaring daggers into the side of your heads?" I questioned placing my bag down beside me. 

They both looked at me then looked at Heaven's table.

Mack shrugged. " Probably because they didn't like what we said to their master."

I widened my eyes. " Elaborate." I pressed. 


My eyes stayed wide the entire time Mack had explained what had happened. 

Apparently words were exchanged as Heaven was trying to give me papers for football, but of course I wasn't here. Dumb asthma. 

This could've been prevented if I was actually here, and not taking care of it. 

" Why would you guys say that?" I questioned.

" Because we don't like her." Mack said in a ' Duh' tone. 

" You don't have to like her. Your not the one that has to work with her." I scolded. 

I swear sometimes I think i'm the most mature one in this group at times like this. 

Both Mack and Char shrugged their shoulders. 

I placed my head against the table. 

' Just as things were getting better.' I thought to myself.

XOXO ParisBesties

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