The Assembly

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Heaven's POV

We all waited for everyone to be seated for the Assembly as we waited outside the gym.

"Hello every one!" The principal said.

"Good morning." Everyone replied.

"Sorry for the last minute assembly but it was supposed to be next Tuesday but next tuesday a lot of us won't be here because we have an important meeting so school will be canceled next tuesday."

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Calm down. Calm down. Now besides that all next week people will be setting up for homecoming so we decided to do it today." She said.

Everyone was super excites for homecoming, let's just hope we win the game and then homecoming will be amazing but it'll be pretty lame if we don't win the homecoming game.

"Now I'd like to call in our cheerleaders to perform our school cheer." The coach said.

Everyone cheered as the cheerleaders skipped in, some even doing flips to the middle of the gym floor.

They got in their positions.


Titans pride! Titans pride!
We're steppin' up, so step aside!
We're the best; we're here to win
Titan power's here again!

Titan pride! Titan pride!
Our team's the best,
Let's show our pride!"

Raelynn come up to the front and clapped once and all the cheerleaders clapped once after her. Then they all clapped once together before clapping twice together. Then Raelynn slapped her left leg and then the right and clapped twice and then stopped twice and everyone repeated after her and then they all did it again together.

"Give me a B! Give me an E!
Give me an S! Give me a T!
What's that spell? Best! Best!
Put us to the test!
Because we've got

What does that spell? spirit!

Hey, let us hear it!
Gonna high gear it!
'Cause the Titans got spirit!" They finished.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

As the cheerleaders were coming back out we went to get the volleyball net.

"Okay next week have the volleyball team!" The principal yelled and everyone cheered and clapped, even stomped on the bleachers as we came out.

We quickly set up the net for the volleyball rally.

It was the Varsity team, us against the JV team which was kinda unfair considering, no offense, we were better.

Coach told us our lineups and we quickly got to our spots.

They had serve first.

The JV server did an overhand serve.

"Short!" I yelled.

Lucia, middle hitter, bumped it straight up.

Cherish set it up to Zoey, our outside hitter and she spike it to their libero who shanked it.

We got a point and it was my then to serve.

We were able to get 12 more points from me serving until JV finally got a point.

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