Chapter 46: Battle for Riven (Part 2)

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1:30 a.m. 10th Maha, 1092.

Darkness loomed over Riven as torrid winds and punishing rain slammed against the city. The howling winds made it impossible to hear beyond shouts, and the blinding rain reduced visibility to less than an arm away.

Due to the unfavorable conditions, both armies retreated to their camps to treat the injured and mourn the dead. The gales rendered an attack on the walls suicidal. As a result, both armies decided to wait out the storm; the interim would allow them to prepare for a second round.

The only problem was in the Kertan camp. The siege towers had only worked so well because of the element of surprise. Given time, the lizards would definitely form a counter. Or, at the very least, be much more prepared for a wall battle than the last time. While this fact infuriated Absalon, there was nothing he or anyone else could do to change the weather. Hopefully, the players did not lose their spine when the time came.

 Hopefully, the players did not lose their spine when the time came

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Whoosh! Whoosh!

Shadows ran across the southernmost walk-wall, their footsteps drowned out by the howling wind. Their daeben leader held up a closed fist, bringing the party to a hard stop. Despite the rain, they could make out what seemed to be a tower of some sort in front of them, lit up by the magelights around it.

Kashi took out his bow and then notched an arrow as he slowly edged his way towards the bastion. Beside him, Kira's eyes morphed to navy blue, further erasing her presence. Shadow and Craig were the only other Summoned in his group. Five of the volunteers followed closely behind the four, each unsheathing their weapon.

So far, they'd met no resistance, but that was only because they were still on the final southern wall. Once Kashi's party crossed the bastion, they would shift to the eastern wall. From there, it was a straight run across two bastions to reach the north wall. These walls would be manned. Especially after the next bastion. Well, it was easiest to see them as checkpoints on their quest.

Kashi pulled his hood over his head and then covered his nose and mouth with his scarf as he pressed against the wall beside the door. Shadow did the same at the adjacent wall, while Kira walked up to the door.

She sniffed through the bottom cracks and listened for sound from the interior. Satisfied, she stepped back.

"Seven of them: Three active, and two asleep on the ground floor, one ascending the stairs, and one at the top."

Kashi nodded. He gave instructions to Shadow and Kira and then awaited her signal.


Kashi burst the door open as the trio stormed into the room. The farthest drakul stood by a fireplace warming its fingers. The other stood by the exit door to their left. The closest was right in front of them with its back to the invaders.

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