Chapter 16: Visitor

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Late chapter. . . I know. . .


My eyes were starting to drift closed as I listened to a clock tic away.

Emory had left a while ago, Talking about needing to get the court started on getting a warrant.

I had felt embarrassed afterwards when I realized how disgusted he must have been watching me cry.

Thankfully that feeling was short lived, Sadly, It was replaced with a cold apathy.

I keep ruining people's days. . . Why am I still clinging to life? I'm just wasting everyone's time. . .

 My chest was starting to ache slightly as my thoughts started to spiral.

I'm just a worthless waste of space. . .

A tight feeling formed in my throat as my mind continued to bring up cold words that had been said to me before, Repeating them like a twisted mantra of sorts.

My mind started to retreat to a emotionless numbness, Just trying to do anything against the emotions battering at my walls.

I stared down at the plain white blanket draped across me, My eyes tracing the tiny threads robotically, Just dully training on something.

A knock on the door caught my attention however, Drawing me out of my thoughts.

Mostly because the door was open, There was no need to knock on it.

A doctor was standing in the doorway, A man with a plain tan colored folder standing slightly behind him.

''Your visitor is here'' The doctor said, Making his way over to the bed side.

He took the weights off my arms as mystery man grabbed a chair, Bringing it over beside the bed.

''Well, You know what to do if he tries anything so. . .'' The doctor said to the other man, Seeming slightly nervous about something.

Mystery man just gave the doctor a unnervingly warm smile, His arm moving to the doc's shoulders, Steering said man out of the room.

''Thank you Jack, If you don't mind now, I'd like to speak with Aspen in private'' The mystery man said, His voice the type of one that causes shivers, Yet it sounded calm. . .almost warm sounding.

The doctor, Jack, Nodded and said something that sounded like 'Good luck' before leaving, Closing the door behind him.

Is he here to yell at me? Was he sent because I tried to kill myself in a school? Am I in trouble??

The man had blonde hair that was just long enough to be able to be styled, Currently he had his short hair parted on the side slightly.

His eyes were a lovely shade of green, As pretty as they were, I couldn't bring myself to keep eye contact with him.

I found myself looking anywhere but towards the mystery man.

There was silence for a moment before the man lightly tapped me on my hand, Catching my attention.

''Hello there'' The man greeted warmly, His voice quieter than when he was talking with jack.

There was a patient silence for a moment before I realized he was expecting me to say something back.

''Hey'' I muttered quietly, My voice surprising me with how weak and tired it sounded.

I even sound worthless. . .

''I'm Paris Harp, And you are?'' He asked, Clearly trying to keep me talking.

''Aspen. . . Aspen Fir'' I answered robotically, My voice still quiet and small sounding.

I noticed a warm smile form on his face out of the corner of my eye.

''That's a lovely name'' He commented, Sitting down in the chair next to where the pillow was on the bed.

I felt slightly uneasy as he opened the folder before looking back over to me.

''Why don't you lay down, Alright Aspen?'' Paris requested, The tone of his voice becoming gentle and encouraging.

''I-I rather not'' I said nervously, Expecting to be yelled at as soon as I refused.

My whole body tensed up as he stood up, I flinched back slightly as he started to reach out towards me.

He paused before continuing to reach out, A lot slower this time.

He grabbed the pillow and moved it so it was behind my back now.

I blinked in surprise as the man in front of me gave me a warm lop sided smile, ''The beds here aren't the most comfortable'' He pointed out, Clearly trying to calm my nerves a little bit.

I nodded slightly, A small very tiny smile forming on my face as Paris smiled at me warmly.

His smile seemed to be slightly contagious.

''So, Do you know why I'm here?'' He asked gently, Sitting back down in the chair.

Swallowing thickly, I looked back down at my lap, My hands moving to nervously twist at each other.

''B-Because I'm in trouble for what I did?'' I guessed, My eyes starting to water slightly as the memory of those horrid emotions that had been running through me at that time flashed across my mind.

There was silence for a moment before Paris reached out, Grabbing onto my hands gently, Stopping me from twisting at them.

''Hey, Aspen, Look at me'' He said firmly, His hands gently squeezing at mine, Causing me to flinch as I thought he'd crush my hands.

Slowly, I looked over at him, Briefly making eye contact with the man.

''Thank you'' He said calmly before continuing, ''You're not in trouble, We just want to find out what drove you over the edge so we can try and stop it from happening again''

I started to look away from him, His eyes starting to seem like they were seeing past all my attempts at seeming calm and stable.

He gave my hands another gentle squeeze, Drawing my attention back to him.

''You're not in trouble, Promise'' He said letting my hands go finally.

He picked back up the folder, Opening it to one of the pages inside.

''Why don't we have a little chat now, Alright?'' He checked, His expression still warm and gentle.

What if he finds out how dad's been treating me?

. . . This is not going to end well. . .


And, The chapter Paris is in finally came around, Any guesses what the warrant Emory is getting is for?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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