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"That bitch is gonna somehow get Mammon killed, Beel!" Belphigor yelled.

You rolled your eyes and stomped up to the youngest demon brother, and punched him so hard in the face that he took a few steps back. He glared at you, which you returned.

"I don't know what the fuck you've been through, but you need to get a hold of yourself." You said  to him "you're still stuck in your emo phase and you're hurting, I get that. But I would rather let a shark eat me then hurt Mammon or any of your brothers in any way. You're acting like a selfish brat throwing a temper tantrum, and it's getting really old, really fast."

"Y-y/n!" Beel said, surprised by both your words and actions.

Belphigor's face twisted in anger and hatred the more he looked at you. You calmly stood there, staring down the seventh deadly sin. He lunged at you, but you ducked and let him jump over you.  You turned around and reached in your pants pocket. Belphigor swung at your head, but you pulled out a small vile of holy water, and threw it at him, making it shatter all over his shirt. He started to scream in pain, so he ripped his soaked shirt that was burning his skin.

"Down, boy." You said plainly before jumping and kicking his chin and making him bite his tongue while falling backwards "stay."

The demon fell on his back, then glared at you once more and growled "I'm not a damn dog."

"Really? Because you're so pissed at me for existing that you're looking like a fighting dog." You sighed, and held out a hand for him to take and help him up "you honestly need a therapist."

He smacked your hand away and stood up by himself "watch your back, human."

You gave him a smirk "right back at ya."

"Barbatos." Diavolo said coldly "take Belphigor to the dungeon."

"No!" Beel yelled desperately "Belphi!"

You chuckled awkwardly at the Prince "hey, I dont think he needs to be sent to a dungeon, man."

In an instant, Belphigor was on the ground passed out with Barbatos standing over him.

"Woah-" you muttered.

Then, they both were gone. Beel tried to go after them, but Lucifer got in his way instantly. Beel had tears in his eyes ready to spill.

"Belphi!" He cried out "Diavolo, please let him go! Please let my brother go!"

"I'm sorry, Beelzebub, but I cannot."

"Please, I know he's done some messed up stuff recently, but I'm begging you, Diavolo!" He pleaded with the tears quickly streaming down his face "h-have mercy!"

You frowned and walked over to the strong demon and gently slid your arms around him. He trembled at your touch, but soon cried in your shoulder.

"We'll fix this." You said to him while rubbing circles on his back to sooth him a little "we'll all fix this, Bubby."

"Y-y/n.." He cried loudly "thank y-you."

~✨time skip bc author-chan didn't think he'd get this farrrrrr✨~

It was the next day. You woke early, around 5 in the morning, and crawled out of Mammon's bed carefully so you wouldn't wake him. The reason you were in his bed? You, reader, need to calm down and stop thinking nasty thoughts 😏 I see you, yeah I'm calling you out! Ya nasty.

The reason was that your room was destroyed. When the other brothers demanded Lucifer to take down the spell, eventually he gave in. Then, Belphigor found out which room was yours, and wrecked it. He tore down the shelves, punched holes in the walls, and ripped up your bed. He even found where you hid all your weapons you left behind, and snapped them all in half, leaving them everywhere on the ground. It was a mess, but it was being fixed slowly. So, in the time being, you had to sleep in Mammons room. He cuddled you all night, of course.

I'm greedy for you! (Mammon x Female reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now