overprotective y/n

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After school, you ran up to your room with Mammon bombarding you with questions. You slammed the door shut before he could follow you in, and locked the door.

"Y/n, come on!" He whined "tell me why you broke his nose already! I mean, I deserved it and a lot more, but I wanna know!"

You opened the door with a heavy sigh "he called you stupid."

"And?" Be scoffed "people always call me stupid, what's the probl-"

"He can't!" You yelled in frustration "he's not allowed to call you that!"

Mammon smirked, then chuckled "are... are you worried about me?"

"Wh-" you blushed out of embarisement "n-no! Not at all! You're a strong and powerful demon, why would I need to worry about you? You're s-strong a-and everyone at school knows it! I ain't gotta-"

He smiled and took your hand "you're really worried about me, ok got it."

"W-what did I just say?!" You yelled as your face burned even darker.

Mammon kissed you're forehead with a soft smile "Lets just do our homework already."

You let him walk in your room and sit on your bed. You sat next to him, still with your face burning 50 shades of red.

~time skip~

You and Mammon were currently making out when Lucifer walked into your room.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat.

You and the demon stopped what you were doing, and looked at his brother.

"Should I be worried about you two?" Lucifer asked.

You said casually "Oh no, we've already had sex."

"Y/n!" Mammons face turned bright red from embarisement as he put his hands over his face.

"What? You want me to lie to em?" You chuckled.

"Uhm... well, alright then." Lucifer said while getting uncomfortable "dinner will be ready soon."

He quickly left the bedroom, and closed the door behind him. You giggled as you saw Mammon lay down on your bed, letting his legs dangle off the end.

You layed down next to him "cutie."

"I-i ain't c-cute!" He mumbled "I'm cool."

You kissed his cheek "whatever, cutie."

You played with his hair, letting him melt in your touch as he relaxed. "Y-you better not do this for any of the others." He pouted.

"Only for you, Mammoney." You smirked.

He smiled and kissed you softly "you're cute when ya smile."

"N-... no I'm not." You covered your face with your hands and rolled over, facing away from the demon.

"Nooooo." He whined and wrapped his arms around you, spooning you "I won't let you go till you say you're cute."

You smiled "then I guess you're never gonna let go. Which is good, because I never wanna see you wrap your arms around another girl."

He nuzzled his face into your neck "I'd never do that. I'd o-only do it for y-you."

You turned around and came eye to eye with him, then kissed Mammon slowly "good." You whispered "you're my demon."

He chuckled "you're my human."

I'm greedy for you! (Mammon x Female reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now