The Party

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There was a total of 10 interviews youd have to get through before the party. 10 in one week. And you were on your last one with Solomon, in an interview with some lady named Sasha asking questions on a live tv show.

"Hi Sashi." You said, obviously not very happy.

"Hello, Sasha." Solomin greeted with a smile.

She smiled "hi guys! So y/n, so start off, I was wondering why you werent answering any questions from your other interviews. Why not?"

You rolled your eyes and took a sip of coffee from your bottle you brought with you (or tea if that's what you drink- or yknow- water) and said "maybe because I dont want to."

"Was your experience down there that scary?" She asked.

You smiled and sat up straigh on your seat "Sasha, I know exactly what you think of demons. You think they're terrible, merciless creatures, right?"

"I'm sure everyone does." She answered.

"Well apperiently I'm nobody, because I dont think they're like that at all." You giggled "humans are far, far worse than demons. You could learn a think or two from them."

Solomon nodded in agreement "y/n is very, very right. I have over seventy pacts with demons, and they're very helpful."

"Oh my, that's a lot." Sasha smiled "how many does y/n have."

"One." You sat back in your seat.

"Why just one?"

"Ones all I need." You smirked "hes awesome. The demon I have a pact with is funny, understanding, a little slow in the head- but he tries. He really does. One of my best friends."

"What's his name?"

You and Solomon said at the same time "Mammon."

Sasha's smile slipped off her face "th... the Mammon?"

"Yeah." You nodded and stood up "I'll be leaving early, I have a party to go to in less than an hour. Bye, Solomon."

"Goodbye, y/n." He waved.

You walked off stage, and past Jumin. He followed without a word. He was actually greatful that you left early because you both had to get ready for the party real soon.

When you got into Jumins car in the back with him, the car started to take off at a steady and smooth speed.

"Good job out there." Jumin said "I appreciate you posting about the good things in my companies. Thank you."

"You're welcome." You sighed and took another drink from your bottle "you getting more things sold?"

"Yes, I am. Thanks to you." He said "we will drop you off at Luciels house, and I'll see you and him at the party."

"Thanks." You smiled at him and chuckled "and please, dont bring Elizabeth the third to the party, Zen would just have lots of allergies."

"Its a little odd for you to care about his allergies, isn't it?" Jumin asked "is it that kind of relationship with him and yourself, or just as friends with benefits?"

"Friends." You answered "with no more benefits."

"There used to be benefits?"

"Occasionally, yeah." You chuckled "not anymore."

"Ah." Jumin chuckled as the driver pulled up to Sevens house "see you at the party."

"You too." You smiled before stepping out the nice vehicle.

I'm greedy for you! (Mammon x Female reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now