Holding on ~ Corbyn Besson

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Song: holding on - Iann Dior

I was on a walk to no where in particular, my boyfriend kept calling me and I was declining every call. I got into another fight with Corbyn and it got really bad. Things were thrown, things were said and tears where falling down our face. I hiked up this random mountain like 30 minutes away from where I live in Cali. I was just sitting on a random rock I found and I was looking at the sunset.

My wrist was killing me, I was dancing one night and I fucked up a move and that resulted into me hurting my wrist and pinkie on my right hand. It was hurting really badly. I told Corbyn and he just said that sucks I'm sorry, he was looking at his phone typing away that's when the fight started. I started crying because I don't think Corbyn understands just how much I care about him and how much I love him. He takes everything for granted and I hate that. He has been with his band everyday, I can't remember the last time we did anything intimate, we haven't even kissed in like four months and it's just not the same our relationship is slowly breaking apart. I'm super proud of the boys and how far they have come, I'm super in love with the album and everything they do but it's just hard, it seems like Corbyn doesn't have time for me and I don't want to think or say anything about it but just recently he went snowboarding without me and went with Daniel and Franny and some other girl, I never asked him about it cause I didn't want to start an argument with him. But I think Corbyn is also starting to regret our relationship and I just want out of this mess. I've been trying to hold on to this relationship and the more I try the less Corbyn tries holding on. I know he's still in love with Christina, but it's been over 2 years,  me and her are good friends and I can always go and talk to her but I just feel super stupid for doing ranting to her about my relationship problems with her ex.

Incoming call from Chickie🌹
"Baby what's going on". Christina asked me and I cried even harder.

"Corbyn has been acting like a dick recently, Christina i want out of this relationship I can't do it anymore"

"Babies" Christina sighed she knows how hard it's been for me the past couple of months. "Listen he called me, he was crying, he said that you guys have been having a lot of problems and I told him that you told me. He said that he can sense you want out, babies I know it's hard, I know he took Lera to go snowboarding with them"

"So he did take her?" I started crying even harder I knew he took her.

"Babies do you want to come to New York for a few days, I don't want you to be sad"

"Bitch I really appreciate but I will have to go tomorrow because I'm filming with Jc tomorrow afternoon so I will for sure ask Jc or Franny to take me to the airport tomorrow night."

"Okay it's a done deal, get your flight and let me know at what time to pick you up"

"I will for sure, anyway I got to go pack"

I started walking down as we said our goodbyes, I had called Christian to see if he could pick me up, he told me he could, so by the time I got to the bottom of the mountain where Christian and Kobe where waiting for me. I got closer to Christian and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Dude I'm going to New York tomorrow night want to take me to my apartment to get my stuff?" I asked into Christian's chest.

"Of course! Let's go" Christian broke the hug and off to my apartment we went.

-fast forward to the next day-

I woke up in Jc's bed, I stayed here last night to avoid Corbyn going to my apartment to talk to me, I had multiple miss calls from Corbyn and multiple text from Corbyn and the boys.

"You know you don't have a to talk to them right" Jc scared the living shit out of me, I legit fell down his bed which caused him to burst out laughing.

"I know and good morning to you to" he replied with a good morning and we decided to get ready so we can go get something to eat and then film since my flight left at 3 and got to New York at 8 but we had to leave like at 1 and it's 6:30 right now.

"Okay so where to beautiful?" Jc asked, Jc always treated me like a princess I think it's because he likes me but I'm not sure, we have been friends forever now.

"Oh oh oh! I got an idea!! Let's go to the griddle cafe!" I yelled in Jc's ear cause i haven't been there in forever and it's one of my favorite places but Corbyn doesn't like it so we never really go.

"DANG! Chill the fuck out, I just lost all hearing in my right ear you bitch" Jc laughed as I poked him.

"Heeeeyyyy. You love me" I smiled widely causing Jc to smile back.

"That I do. Now let's go" we drove off to the diner. After about an hour me and Jc left and I spotted two brunets walking down the street, I could recognize Jonah's curly hair from anywhere, Corbyn was right next to him staring at me and Jc.

"Jc they found us" Corbyn looked like shit but he still looks super good. As they started speed walking towards us Jc made the decision to start running to his car, but once we got there Daniel and Zach had stopped us from getting in. I saw Jc secretly text someone. 

"Daniel get the fuck away" I started getting pissed cause he wouldn't move.

"No" Oscar and Franny pulled up right beside me and told me to jump in. We started driving off and soon we made it back to the C4 house.

Corbyn's POV

"What the fuck!! Where did they go Jc?!" I was so fucking pissed I felt like beating the fuck out of him.

"They left, she's leaving" what did he just say, she can't fucking leave, she can't just get up and fucking leave.

"Where is she going"

"Somewhere far away from you dumbass"

"Jc stop the bullshit and tell me" I was fuming at this point.

"She doesn't need a dick like you as her fucking partner! Don't you get that! SHE NEEDS SOMEONE WHO'S GONNA HOLD ON TO THE RELATIONSHIP THEY HAVE WITH HER! She's fucking worth everything in this world and you don't even appreciate her!" All I seen was red, I go in and punched his jaw but before I could hit him again Daniel and Jonah pulling me back for him again. "You think she deserves anything your putting her through" I started crying I know his right, I just couldn't admit that. "She came to me and Christian crying last night, me and all the boys comforted her, I booked her a flight cause she asked me to, you want to know where? She's going with your ex. Christina wants her there with her, away from you" Jc left right after that and I knew I had fucked up so badly, I need my baby, I need her by my side if she's not there I will lose my shit.

Part 2? :))))) don't hate me I love Corbyn he just seemed right for this. But anyways if you want a part 2 let me know in the comments.... ZOOOOMMM

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