Tattoos ~ Kian Lawley

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Today I'm gonna get my first tattoo, I'm scared but excited at the same time. I decided to not tell my boyfriend Kian cause I wanted to surprise him with the tattoos. Right now he's doing some stuff with Jc, Nezza and Crawford. Nezza and Franny are the ones who persuaded me to get my tattoos. Franny, AnnMarie and me went to the tattoo parlor to get my tattoo done and Franny was going to support me. 

The first tattoo I got was on my collarbone and it said la vie est belle (life is beautiful) I got that in cursive. The second tattoo I got it in Spanish to represent my culture, Más vale estar solo que mal acompañado (Better to be alone than in bad company), I got this one on my hip in uncial font, I believe that's what they call it. For my last tattoo I got a half sun that is connected with half a sun on the right side of my wrist. 

"Dude I deadass love all your tattoos" AnnMarie told me as I was paying the artist.

"I do too" Franny added in.

"Thank you guys, I really like them too. Thank you dude for the tattoo" the guy say your welcome and we walked out getting into my car and I took Franny and AnnMarie home before going to Kian's apartment. 

"Kian?!" I yelled walking into his apartment.

"Yeah Babe" Kian came running to me but he missed me and ran into the door. 

"Babe you okay?" I helped him get up.

"Yeah, but like what the fuck? Why did you move?" I laughed at him while pulling him into a hug.

"Maybe cause you where coming at me in full speed" Kian laughed and hugged me back. 

"So what's up?" I smiled at him and pushed him away.

"I will show you" I took off my hoodie to show Kian my tattoos. 

"OH MY GOD! SHUT UP! WAIT THIS ARE ACTUAL TATTOOS?!" Kian yelled running his fingers beside the tattoos. 

"Yeah, do you like them?" 

"Yeah I do, there beautiful. But why did you get these?" Me and Kian were now laying on his bed.

"So, the one on my collarbone, I got it cause for one I love the quote and also because I truly think life is beautiful, I mean yeah it's strange, messy and crazy but life gave me you and an amazing friends and so the second one on my hip, that's something my mom and my aunts would always tell me and for me, I always had fake friends and people would always fuck me over, there was a point in my life when I was 19 I had one friend but she lived far from me and she was my brothers wife, all of my other friends would just drop me when they got into relationships or they would just drop me when they got new friends. So when I was alone at 19 years old, my mom told me that it was better for me to alone cause I always had bad friends, so when I found you guys I was super scared especially when it came to dating you cause I was scared that all of you guys would drop me but I realized that it wasn't gonna do that, so this tattoo is just a reminder of how far I've come with friends and relationships. The Sun and the Moon is a representation of how your dreams are bigger than the sun and your love for someone or something is farther than the moon, but there also super cute together. So when you add both your dream and your love for that dream it turns into something beautiful. There Kian are the meanings of my tattoos" 

"Wow I love them and there meanings, I feel like they represent you very well." He said getting on top of you.

"Thank you" I said kissing him. For the rest of the night we chilled and Kian streamed which was fun to watch him get mad at everyone and act stupid on stream.

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