The Assistant ~ Jc Caylen

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I just moved to LA from the small town of Y/H/T (Your HomeTown), I moved here for the fact that I wanted to become a writer. Los Angeles will be the perfect place to do so, maybe New York would be to but come on it's Los Angeles. I wanted to get a job somewhere and surprisingly I was able to get a job with someone name Oscar Guerra and I would be helping him run his unbroken brand. So I would be his assistant pretty much. I'm always getting invited to go to places with Oscar, but this particular day me and Oscar had gone to a few meetings and we agreed to meet up at his house, I haven't meet anyone he lives with but he told me today they are having a chill day and just have a few friends over so he invited me to go, since he says we are best friends but I'm also his assistant makes no sense but okay.

"Hey, do I know you?" A guy with a buzz cut and green hair asked as he opened the door.

"Um no, I'm Y/N, Oscar told me to come over here" I said quite nervously, meeting new people makes me a bit nervous.

"Yeah he told us, Come in, I'm Will by the way" Will let me in and I was a bunch of guys gathered around the living room or tv room I don't know.

"Y/N!" Oscar yelled bringing me into a hug and introduced me to all the guys in their.

"And this is Justin also known as Jc Caylen" Jc got up and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you" Jc said, not gonna lie mans is super cute.

"Likewise" I told him, he smiled at me. Goddamn he is just so cute.

After about 2 hours more people started showing up and I was being introduced to people all around after an hour I walked outside only to be joined by Jc.

"Hey you okay?" He asked me.

"I hate being around a lot of people, people are assholes."

"I get that. So what's your story?" Jc asked.

"I don't really have one, just shit friends and shit parents. Moved here to get a new start" I told him and he was just staring at me.

"I feel like their is more to this"

"I hate myself" I don't know why I said that fuck.

"Can I ask why?"

"No you can't" I walked away from Jc and back into the house, after about 20 minutes I decided to leave.


Oscar came into my room Monday morning super pissed off cause Y/N hasn't answered him, every since Friday she walked out of the house and has been ignoring Oscar, I found her on instagram and tried dm'ing her but she hasn't answered me. Maybe I shouldn't have asked why she said she hated herself but I mean how could she hate herself she's amazing. I really fucked up and I want to see her again.

"Oscar shut your bitchass up, do you know where I could find her?" I asked him.

"SHE'S NOT GONNA WANT TO SEE YOU!" Oscar yelled me.

"I don't care maybe I could talk to her" Oscar sighed after he yelled some more at me and gave me Y/N's address.

About 20 minutes later I was knocking on Y/N's front door. The door swings open and then gets slammed in my face. I tried again for about 30 minutes but she's not gonna talk to me. I really did fuck everything up with Oscar and His hot assistant, I need to fix this.


Thank you for over 19k reads wtf!

But the next chapter I'm gonna do my first one with the girls but it's gonna be an open discussion meaning If you would like to participate you can in the comments and if you want it added to the story you can.

Anyway sorry I didn't post this yesterday my mom told me I show stop eating and I'm just kinda upset but whatever she always tells me that shit, also the chapter after this next one I want to do where the girls read all of your guys unpopular opinions about the wdw boys and the camboys as well as the girl best friends and girlfriends, so you guys can pm me your unpopular opinion if you want it to be anonymous but I will be openly be sharing some of my unpopular opinions so yeah.

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