Lady ~ Jonah Marais

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Lady by Brett Young
Jonah's POV

I remember when I first heard your heart beat it had only been 8 weeks.

When me and Y/N went to go see her midwife to see if she was pregnant I was shocked to say the least. Hearing my babies heart beat made me feel complete.

Standing there, starin' at that screen was the First time you ever scared me

I was so excited but so scared as I look at her for the first time, I even took a Snapchat of the ultrasound so I could forever have the memory of my first born.

God knows I don't know
Exactly what I'm doin', but
Good news, we got her to get through it

I never really learned how to take care of a baby but with Y/N by my side I knew I was gonna get through it. I remember when Y/N surprised me and everyone in both families that our baby was a girl I was so excited and I couldn't wait to meet my princess.

I hope you look just like your mama
And love her like I do

I hope she has Y/N looks so she could look just as beautiful as her momma.

You'll see close to perfect patience
If you watch her every move

Y/N was the best thing that has ever happened to me and now it just got even better with Y/N giving me my biggest blessing, the one we have tried so many times for.

You can always run to daddy
You'll always be my baby, but
Look at her, baby girl

I will always be here for my baby rather I'm on tour or am at home with my two girls, she will always be my babygirl, my princess no matter what.

And you'll learn
How to be a lady
Just how to be a lady

I know Y/N will teach her everything I can't and teach my baby how to be a lady and she will be just like her mom. She's always gonna be there for her and that's all I need to know that she will be perfect.

I can make ya laugh 'til you cry
But she can make your tears dry,

I will do anything in my power to make sure my two girls are always smiling and never crying, I know I won't be able to dry my babies tears but I know Y/N can dry them and make her feel better.

When you get your heart broke by the wrong guy
She can make it right

Y/N can make anything better and she's always been able to, I've always loved her for that. I know there will be hard times but I'm ready to take on those challenges with them.

She'll hear you
She'll hold you
She'll help you through
She'll fix you
And me too

Y/N will always be there to fix us both and even though she doesn't know how to fix my problems all the time, she's always tried no matter what. I know me and my daughter could always count on her and I love her for always being there.

Today in Minnesota I witnessed the most beautiful thing and that was the birth of my baby girl. She truly did look like her momma and for that I'm so grateful for, me and Y/N decided to come back to her home town which is like 30 minutes away from mine and we had her here. Her mom and my mom were so happy to meet my baby. Svea was probably the most excited for her to be here and I know we have some amazing aunts and uncles for our baby.

"What's her name?" Esther asked ready for it to be revealed.

"Her name is Oakley Kinsley Frantzich" everyone fell in love with her name, it suited her perfectly. My baby is the most loved human ever, including Lavender Jack's daughter, we love them both so much.

"Dude she's so cute I can't wait till you guys bring her back to la" Daniel said Y/N's mom was on a FaceTime call with Myta her sister and everyone like everyone in la was in the phone screen.

"Give me about a month or two Seavey" Y/N replied as all the boys and girls started arguing about who would be seeing her first. Me and Y/N just laughed at them.

"I love you Oakley and I love you Y/N" life couldn't be any better.

Geez the tears there coming!! I want a baby now... haha wait no... maybe... i dont know anyways next one who's ready.... Zoooommmm

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