Oscar (Valentine's Day)

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After a 5 hour flight I'm finally in LA to surprise my boyfriend of a year for Valentine's Day, I went to the Starbucks that was in the airport waiting for Zach my cousin to text me saying his waiting for me, after getting my Starbucks I went to get my bags where I could literally hear Kay scream at me. 

"KAY!" I ran towards her and handed Zach my bags and coffee as I jumped Into Kay's arms.

"What the fuck?! Dumbass what about me" Zach said pretending to be hurt.

"What about you?" Zach gasped and pulled me and Kay apart after he handed Ryan my coffee. 

"I want my fucking hug to" Zach whined as he pulled me into a hug after I pulled apart I hugged Ryan, he handed me my coffee and I picked up my purse after Ryan and Zach insisted to grab my bags, as we pulled up to Zach's family house, I seen my aunt Myta and my uncle Josh outside waiting for us while Reese was playing with Sammy outside, I hopped out of the car as Reese and Sammy ran up to me to great me.

"I've missed you" Reese said.

"Reese I've missed you to" I let go of Reese as I hugged my aunt and uncle "Thank you guys so much for letting me stay here again" 

"Of course sweetie your always welcome here" my aunt Myta said as we all walked inside and after I was settled in Zach's room, I walked downstairs as I heard Zach yell his the best at something. 

"Zach are you trying to boost your confidence again" I replied sarcastically.

"Hey listen I'm good at things" I laughed so hard after he said that.

"What are you good at, playing the guitar?" I smirked at him, he came running up to me and tackled me to the floor and you can hear everyone laughing at us, I flipped us over and pinned Zach to the floor. There are somethings that need change and one of those are how competitive me and Zach are, especially with each other. "Had enough now?"

"Y/N! GET OFF!" 

"Are you calling me fat?" 

"Yes now get off!" Zach shouted, I smacked him playfully.

"Say I'm better than you first" 


"Okay I'll just make myself comfortable than" 

"Fine then, I won't take you to the C4 house then" he smirked at me thinking he has won.

"Okay, I can just ask my bestie Daniel to take me" Zach gasped

"Take that back! I'm your bestie" 

"No you aren't" after a few more minutes of us fighting Uncle Josh had to come break us up. after catching up for a while me and Zach went to get ready for bed and soon fell asleep watching a movie, me and Zach had always slept in the same room on family trips or when he would go to Dallas while he was on tour him and the boys would always stay with us after his family moved and we always slept in the same bed since we are pretty much the same age, I'm just a couple months older and our parents knew we wouldn't do anything cause gross. 

The next morning after me and Zach got ready we went to go eat breakfast at a local cafe to catch up some more, after we were done Zach took me to the C4 house so I could surprise Oscar, Jc texted me telling me everyone was there and where waiting for me. I had told Oscar I was going on a trip with my family so I wouldn't be able to come see him and he couldn't come see me, I know he was down cause it would be our first valentine's and I wasn't going to be in the states since I was going to Mexico to see my dad side of the family, but I somehow convinced my parents to let me come to L.A to see Oscar and to hang out with Zach. 

As I walked through the front door everyone had either their cameras or their phones recording and we all walked to Oscar's room, I could hear his depressing ass music, so I barged in and snuck up behind him, he was texting someone most likely me and he was streaming so when I wrapped my arms around him, he freaked out and turned around to see me, he pulled me into a big bear hug and looked at me shocked. 

"How-When-What I thought-' 

"I convinced my parents to let me come here to see you and Zach and so they agreed" he pulled me into a kiss and everyone said aww which made us pulled away and Oscar glared at all of them. 

"Oh let me guess you guys all knew" everyone nodded and Oscar kicked them all our of his room and he shut the door. "So what are we doing today?" Oscar smirked and I shocked my head no jumping on his bed.

"Watch a movie and eat, but for right now I'm going to sleep, you continue streaming" I buried my face in Oscar's pillow as I felt a smack on my ass and a weight right beside me. "Yes Mi amor"

"Nothing your just adorable" Oscar kissed my forehead and went back to streaming for like an hour, I was on my phone watching youtube. Oscar had ended his stream and went to lay down right beside me, I put my phone on the floor as he pulled me closer to him so we could cuddle. After about 5 hours we woke up and decided to order some food as I went to change into one of his shirts. "Well hello there sexy" I flipped him off as I went to his bathroom to put my hair into a messy bun and do my business, I walked out to a shirtless Oscar in some sweats and laying on his bed looking for a movie. I jumped on top of him and kissed him.

"I love you"

"I love you" 

Perfect Valentine's Day with the most perfect guy.

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