His old songs ~ Zach Herron

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Today I told my boyfriend of 3 years that we where gonna film a video today but he has no idea what that means. I'm gonna be playing some song for a drive with me but everyone wanted me to play older why don't we song and Zach's 2 songs so I'm gonna do just that.

"Okay hey everyone welcome or welcome back to my YouTube channel! Today I'm here with my boyfriend Zach!" Zach said hey and we got started. Zach started driving his car around his neighborhood so we where going slower. "Okay so guys we are doing a songs suggestion video but with throwbacks so let's get right to it"

I put on the first song which was Taking You by Why Don't We. Zach couldn't help but laugh at the first song I put on.

"Really love?" I nodded my head and started singing along, to which Zach just smiled at me. Then nobody gotta know came on and we just sang along, same with just to see you smile.

"Okay I think that's enough for that ep" Zach said. I nodded my head and then put on M.I.A. "Love come on stop playing our old music"

"No" I smiled at him and he just huffed in annoyance.

Then I put on something different and Zach was just annoyed at this point. Afterwards I put on made for. Zach continued to be a brat and not join in on singing with me. I put on never know and Zach turned it down.

"What the hell are you doing?" Zach asked me.

"What do you mean?" I pretended to be completely clueless.

"Y/N you said you where doing a throwback suggestion video, why the hell are you playing our old songs?" Zach was pissed cause he never says my name unless he's mad.

"Cause they are good songs" I told him.

"Don't play them okay?" I nodded my head not wanting to pick a fight with him.

I changed the song to Timelapse by him and I tried so hard to not laugh. He looked so annoyed he shook his head and did that thing he made that face that showed he was annoyed or mad.

"I always undo-" Zach covered my month with his hand.

"No" he said, after the song finished, why came on and he was about to turn it off but I stopped him before he could.

"No" I told him. He rolled his eyes and he just kept driving.

He would occasionally glance at me and just shake his head.

"Where did you go! I need to know tonight!" I sang along and Zach just looked at me like I was weird.

We went to Starbucks I'm guessing cause Zach needs some coffee to keep him from losing it. After we both ordered our drinks the song was over and I told Zach to park for a second.

"Okay so the fans wanted me to play your guys old songs and play your old songs, that's why I kept playing them." Zach looked at me and just had a straight face.

"I hate you all sometimes" Zach pointed at me and the camera.

"Okay but seriously everyone wanted to know my top favorite songs of your guys so that's what I'm gonna play okay?" I asked Zach.

"Okay" I put on Trust Fund Baby first and we started singing along as Zach started driving back to the Herron household, we also got stuff for everyone so we had to be careful that nothing would spill on me.

"8 letters!" I yelled at Zach super excited.

"I've said those words before but it was a lie!" Zach yelled at me. I bopped his nose to which he just laughed at me.

Then in to deep of course.

"I heard your siren's call it was beautiful I am drowning but, please don't save me!" I singed super off key to Zach. This causes Zach to laugh super hard.

"That was great love" I rolled my eyes at Zach after the song was over I but on Hooked.

"I'm hooked" me and Zach yelled in each other's faces. We had arrived at the Herron household so Zach was parked, Zach leaned in a little more and kissed me.

"Zach" I giggled as he started kissing my neck.

"Yeah?" He asked as he keep leaving small pecks on neck.

"We have to finish filming this video" I lifted his head up and kissed his lips one last time before returning to the video.

"Next up is the one and only song what am I" me and Zach started jamming out to the song. And afterwards I put on don't change and we sang it mainly to the camera but we would also look at each other from time to time.

"Next of the new album" Zach looked at me hoping i wasn't about to leak anything "lotus inn everyone" Zach sighed and I smacked his arm.

"I'm offended you thought I would leak a song"

"I'm sorry" after lotus inn I put on slow down, then be myself, after that love song, then I'll be okay.

"And last but not least the best song in the fucking world! Love Back!" I yelled and Zach put it on full blast. We where vibing to the song which was really fun, we even started dancing in our seats and everything.

"Okay guys their is today's video! I hope you guys enjoyed and comment down below what is your favorite why don't we song. We will see you later"

"Don't forget to like and subscribe and hit the notification bell so you will notified every time my beautiful girlfriend posts!" I smiled and turned off the camera.

"Well that was a great video" I smiled at him.

"It was other than the fact that you pranked me" I laughed at Zach and kissed him and we went inside to have family game night with Zach's family.

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