Open discussion ~ The Girls

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"Hey guys welcome back to the whose they podcast with your host, Y/N, Franny & Nezza!" I yelled into the mic.

"Hey guys" Franny and Nezza said into their mics.

Today we are doing an open discussion and if you would like to participate just comment where you would like to discuss with me about anything in this chapter, I would be doing so many more and if you would like me to add it to the book just put at the end of your comment 'you would like your discussion in the chapter' and if you guys want another one of these just let me know and subjects to discuss, also these are mainly about everyone in the book who was mentioned and I'm gonna add some people cause I know a lot of you would want to discuss these things that are surrounded by the boys.

"Franny and Daniel are the best ship of the friend group" Nezza reads off the first subject.

"Okay, so I think Daniel and Franny are super cute together, I ship Nezza and Crawford together more, like Crawford and Nezza are literally so cute together like I don't see how Daniel and Franny are off camera but Crawford and Nezza based off the videos that they have posted together they are best friends and dating and I want something like that one day"

"The wdw boys faked their smiles in 2021" Franny read the next subject.

"I think the boys have been faking their smiles for a while now, like just these past couple weeks their smiles have been more genuine, I believe it has a lot to do with the dumbass cockroach who was co-manager, honestly when he left it got better for the boys, they released love back and are getting ready for the album. But I feel like you could tell the most when Corbyn fakes his smile but now I feel like they are all in a good place and I don't think it has much to do with their girlfriends Franny and 'Lera', maybe they helped but they aren't the full reason why they are super happy"

"Limelights needs to forgive Lera for what she did cause they forgave the boys" Nezza said.

"Okay here's the thing, right now let's take the fact that there is a bunch of shit going on with Lera and a lot of limelights, so people think they are hating on her and maybe some of the limelights are but I see it as they are holding her accountable for shit she did when she was 17-19 years old right like they did it with the boys and everything but the difference is the boys where more sincere about their apology and Lera wasn't in my opinion so they are pissed off, I was offended cause I'm a bigger person and I think she apologized cause she was losing her followers. Now here's the thing you can't tell someone whom she offended to forgive her cause that's disrespectful on your part."

"Limelights are toxic as hell" Franny said.

"All big fandoms are toxic in different ways, as the boys get bigger the more toxic it gets, their is nothing we could honestly do about it"

"We are here to support the boys and it's up to us if we support their relationships/friends/girlfriends/family members" Nezza said.

"Yes so like let's say Danny if he gets a girlfriend no fan is entitled to support the girl, like you're supporting Danny and that's what matters, yes it would be nice to know your significant other is supported by your supporters but at the end of the day we as fans are here to support the boys or girls but we don't have to support the people they are surrounded by, I noticed that in fandoms like 5sosfam there are a bunch of fans who think since you kiss one of the boys asses you have to do the same for people they are surrounded by, which is actually pretty stupid cause that's not true you are here for who you support not who they are surrounded by."

"Kian and Jc need to make more sit down videos" Franny said.

"I actually quite like knj series, I feel like they are happier doing series and I feel like they are fun and it's entertaining watching Danny almost shit himself cause they scare him to much. No but seriously I would rather them do videos that they are gonna be more passionate about then videos just to make fans happy"

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