Danny (Valentine's day)

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Today is the day, a week back Tara practically forced me and Danny to go on a date and we did, it was actually really fun so we decided to go on another without anyone knowing. For the second date me and Danny decided to go to something different, me and Danny are photographers, I usually take pictures for the trap house and Katrina that's how Tara even knew me, so Tara one day decided she was gonna set me up on a blind date and that guy turned out to be Danny. With me and Danny being somewhat similar, other than our music taste is a bit different and me being more of an oldie than him, that's probably the only difference between us both, but me and Danny started talking after our first date, hint the second date becoming a thing. Me and Danny wanted to do something different for this date and I was planning it, so who better to ask for an idea then Sam and Colby. 

"Hey guys" I called out for them both.

"We are in the kitchen sis" Reggie called out, didn't know he was here. I ran down to the kitchen with Kat behind me.

"I need help" I told the boys.

"Like professional help?" Colby joked, I smacked his arm as hard as I could. "Ha didn't hurt" I looked at him grabbed Reggie's bottle of water and hit him harder.

"I think you're asking to be killed by Y/N" Sam told Colby.

"No I'm not she's just crazy" Colby yelled back. 

"Cole! Do you want to keep you're dick?" Colby just looked down as I asked him. "Anyway so listen I need a date idea for tonight"

"NO DATING!" Jake yelled as he entered the kitchen with Tara.

"Calm down Jake she's going on a date with Danny" Tara told him and everyone gasped.

"When did you guys become a thing?" Reggie asked getting all up in my personal space.

"One get the fuck away from me. Two since Tara made us go on blind dates together." Instantly everyone's eyes where on Tara.

"Hey listen don't look at me I think they will be cute together." 

"Y/N can't date no one, what the fuck Tara" Corey (from their friend group) stated.

"Wait hold up, non of these idiots get a say expect for Reggie cause he is the oldest and my caretaker for what ever reason" I told everyone and Reggie smiled while Jake was offended. 

"That is true" Reggie was looking at Jake. "Anyways, I say you can go but what do you want to do" 

"Like i don't know  something that involves an adventure" I looked at Sam and Colby, while they smirked back at me.

"Oh I got the perfect idea" they both said at the same time.

"Okay listen all of Sam's ideas are summoning demons" I told Colby, to which everyone laughed. 

"Exactly bro, so listen how far are you willing to go?"

"Furthest 30 minutes out of L.A" I told Colby.

"Perfect" Colby smiled at me. I'm scared. Save me. "Go to Runyon Canyon Park" 

"Okay cool, I'm going now peace the fuck out fuckers!" Reggie grabbed my arm and put a helmet on top of my head. 

"Safety first rat" I took off the helmet and threw at Reggie.

"I think Cassie needs it more than me" I walked out like the fine as bitch I am, sup. 

I went to the C4 house to get Danny there, no I'm not going in there Jc is going to question me just like Jake and all the boys did. I honked and Danny ran outside with Jc and Oscar running after him. I laughed shaking my head as Danny got in my car.


"Nah" I started rolling down his window and he rolled it back up.

"Y/N!! NOW!" Danny yelled as the Jc and Oscar got closer and right before they could get out the gate I started driving. I turned on 'talk to much' by coin and me and Danny jammed out till we got to the park. Once we got there me and Danny decided to hike up and have a picnic on the top of the mountain and take some pictures.

"Danny what are you trying to do" I giggled as he had his camera ready, I was about to eat a strawberry and I'm pretty sure he wanted to take a picture of me.

"Nothing..." he whispered but I still heard him. As I took a bit he took a picture.

A date with taking pictures, laughing, throwing things at each other and deep conversations was honestly amazing. I couldn't wait for the many more dates to come. 

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