Who Knows Me Better ~ Kian & Jc

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Requested by @BeautifulMax2001 hope you like it boo 

Hey my name is Max, I live in L.A with my best friends, Jc, Kian, Corey and Bobby. Me and Jc meet when I was 13 and he was 17, I would always travel to Texas with my family for Christmas. So my older brother would always hang out with Jc, since me and my older brother are close he introduced me to Jc and we instantly connected and became best friends. About a year later I met Kian and even though I didn't really talk to him as much, he still always made the effort to talk to me which was great. 

Now that I'm living in L.A with all my youtuber friends such as Franny, Nezza, Corey, Crawford, Oscar and such they all try getting me to film a video with them but I always refused, I would always tell them I'm either not in the mood or I was not feeling well, but truth be told I never actually wanted to cause I always felt to insecure and I would always worry about what their fans might say, it's not like I hate my body, I mean i'm slim thick which isn't bad but most of their fans are just beautiful overall, I mean come on, I know I'm beautiful but so are all of their fans so I just always got scared of what they would think of me. 

Eventually the guys and girls found out the truth and they helped me be more confident in myself, especially Corey and Jc they have helped me the most. With time I learned how to love the way I am and I realized their is no one like me. 

"YOU GUYS ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S UP!" Kian and Jc yelled, yes I have finally agreed to film with them which is surprising.

"Guys today we have a very special guest with us, she is my best friend-" Jc got cut off like always.

"Ans she's also my best friend" Kian yelled to resulted to Jc smacking Kian. 

"Anyways, here she is, the beautiful Max!" Jc yelled and Kian started clapping as I sat down I grabbed both hands. 

"Enough of that Kian" Jc laughed as Kian put his hands to his side.

"Okay well Max what are we doing today?" Jc asked me.

"He guys, so today we are doing who knows me best, so how this is gonna work, pretty much we are gonna have two whiteboards and Kian and Jc have to answer what they think is the correct answer and the one with the most right answers wins" 

"But their is a K & J twist" Kian said excited.

"Their is a consequence!" Jc yelled.

"The consequence is loser jumps into the pool and today the winner gets a kiss" The boys nodded in agreement.

"But they have to fully clothed" Jc said Kian nodded he's head agreeing with this statement.

"Jc, Babyboy you are jumping in the pool and I'm getting my kiss." Kian smirked at Jc and I just shook my head ready to ask the first question. 

"Okay When is my birthday?" I asked before they started arguing.

"Done" They both flipped over there boards. 

"Kian got it October 11th, Jc missed it by a day" Kian shouted excited and Jc groaned pissed.

"How many siblings do I have? Bonus point if you can name them" 

Jc got all of them right as well as their placements Kade, Me, Jayden & Codie and Fae 

Kian only got 2 names but knew I have 4 siblings. So half a point.

"I miss Jayden and Codie" Kian said and I looked at him as if he lost his mind.

"I miss Kade and Fae" I nodded agreeing with Jc.

"Anyways, Where was I born?" 

They both put Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. 

"Nice, What 2 sports did I play as a kid?" 

"I know I'm right" Jc confident.

Kian: Basketball and Volleyball

Jc: Softball and Hockey.

"What in the world?!" I said looking at both their boards.

"What?" Jc asked.

"I played Volleyball and Softball, dumbasses" 

"Okay half a point" Kian said and I giggled at their stupidness.

"What's my full name? This is gonna be interesting" 

Jc: Maxlina Onyx Rose 

Kian: Max Onyx Rose

"Kian, Max is my nickname!" I yelled at him.

"What was my first job?" 

Jc: Starbucks

Kian: Bath and Body works

"Nice Kian, What 2 pets have I always wanted?" 

Jc: Ferret and Corgi

Kian: Parrot and Hamester

"The fuck Kian? Umm okay anyways, How many bones have I broken?"

Jc: 0 

Kian: 1

"Okay, umm, point Jc, What is my mom's and dad's names?"

Jc: Amaya and Troy

Kian: Amaya and Troy

"Nice, Okay so after my family moved to the small town of St. Malo, we got chickens. Name at least 3 of them"

"I don't even think you know this" Jc laughed.

"I do know it dumbass" I smacked the back of his head for that.

Jc: Cookie, Fred, Ed and Rose

Kian: Nugget, Rose

"That's all I know" Kian said so we gave him half a point.

"Okay so Kian has 6 points and Jc has 8.5. So Jc wins" I kissed his check and he got all smily.

"Kian time to jump in the pool." Jc told him, grabbing the camera while we walked outside. Kian jumped in and got out right away since it was a chilly day. 

"Okay well, that's it for this weeks video, guys if you guys want more videos with Max just hit that like button" Jc said

"Also subscribe and hit that notifications bell for more videos, okay bye" they both yelled and turned off their camera, I decided to push them both in the pool and I ran away. 


Okay Max I hope you like this. 

I couldn't really think of another way to end it but anyways request are open guys. 

Feel free to request anything you want, I won't judge or anything, I love your guys new ideas. 


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