Sick ~ Christian Seavey

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This morning I woke sweaty and with a runny nose. Please tell me I'm not sick. I tried getting up to get some water but I quickly feel back onto my boyfriends bed. My body felt super sore and just not good at all. I tried falling back to sleep but I simply could I kept tossing and turning not being able to get comfortable, I decided to get up and walked to the seavey kitchen, when I mean walking I mean limping. Daniel, Corbyn and Franny where all looking at me when concerned looks on their faces. 

"Good morning" I said above a whisper. 

"Y/N are you okay?" Daniel asked. I shook my head to which Franny gave me some water and gave me some Advil. I thanked her and drank the Advil, Christian come to the kitchen and hugged me. 

"Baby you should be laying down, I will make you some tea and some breakfast." Christian has always been able to noticed when anyone he is close to was sick. Given me and Christian have been together for about 3 years now, he's always been able to notice when I'm sick which happen quite often. 

"I can do it, I promise" I tried to argue with him but he just shook his head and pick me up to take me to bed. He tucked me in and handed me the control for the tv and with a kiss to my forehead Christian went to what I assume was the kitchen. 

"So, how are feeling?" Franny asked as she made me move over so she could lay beside me. We cuddled and looked for something to watch. 

"Well, other than I haven't slept, I feel like shit" Franny giggled. 

"You look like shit" I lightly hit Franny as she laughed at me. 

"Let's watch after" I suggested and Franny agreed to, Me and Franny became friends when I moved here to be closer to my brother Corey, but when my brother passed me and Franny got super close and now that we are both dating two of the Seavey brothers we just got closer. 

"Baby, I made some soup and a tea for you. Also Franny, Daniel needs you" Franny nodded and got up and walked out of the room as Christian help me sit up so I could eat and drink my tea. 

"You bitch!" Franny yelled and I just shook my head at Christian. 

"I'm sorry baby, I just want to be with you alone today cause you aren't feeling good" I nodded and he sat down next to me where Franny previously was. Christian helped me eat my soup and drink my tea as we watched after. 

"I'm full" I told Christian 10 bits in. 

"Baby, I would want you to eat more but I don't want to make you feel worse, so I'm just gonna put this in the microwave really quick okay?" I nodded my head, I reached for my phone and texted my parents letting them know what's going on, one thing I always did with Corey this now turned to me doing this with my parents and Jared. 

"You texting you're parents?" Christian asked as he laid down next to me.

"Yeah, I am" Christian hugged me. 

"That was you're and Corey's thing" I nodded smiling at the thought. 

"I miss him" 

"Me too baby" Christian kissed my forehead, I set my phone down and I blowed my nose, I cuddled into Christian chest. 

"You know I was thinking about moving apartments somewhere closer to here." I told Christian as he handed me some tissue to blow my nose. 

"Why don't you just move in here? I mean you are always here anyway" 

"Yeah maybe" I yawned and started to fall asleep. 

"Go to sleep baby" Christian kissed my forehead and I soon fell into a deep sleep. 


Requested by abbymartin15

Okay Abby I hope you enjoyed both of these imagines. 

So I have to more coming up in the next few hours so yeah anyway if you guys have any request don't be afraid to ask:)

Let's zooooooommmmmm into the next chapter 

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