Moving on with him ~ Oscar Guerra

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Me and my best friend Oscar planned a getaway for a week, we decided to go to Hawaii. 

The reason for this getaway was for us both to get over our exes. They are dating each other now, they both cheated on both us and started dating each other, this happened about 2 weeks ago, I got over it pretty quickly but Oscar on the other hand is still hurt by it. I hate seeing him sad, so that's why I decided we need a getaway. 

"Oscar wake up, we just landed" I lightly shook him awake, dumbass can sleep through almost everything. 

"I'm up, stop doing that" Oscar said pushing my hand away from his face. 

"Your eyes are close, open them up bitchass" I said poking his cheek, I was about to do it again but he grabbed my hand and pushed it away from him, opening his eyes he looked outside and was super excited. 

"I can't wait to see Corey and the boys" Oscar smiled at me.

"Yeah can't wait to see my brother" I said sarcastically, as much as I love Corbyn he can be a real pain in the ass because his so overprotective. 

"Come on, he's just trying to watch out for you" Oscar replied as we walked to get our bags. 

"Yeah but he acts like I'm a baby when I'm 3 minutes older than his dumbass" Oscar laughed and out of nowhere Corbyn and Ashley hugged me. 

"I heard you bitchass" Corbyn said smacking my head while I did the same to him but only harder. 

"Your point is?" I asked him, he just pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"That I love you, that's my point and Oscar is right I'm just trying to protect you" I kissed Corbyn's check causing him to smile, I walked out of his arms and walked with Ashley by my side.

"Thank you Corbean" 

"Why do you still call me that?" Corbyn whined, catching up to me with Oscar right behind him.

"Cause you're my baby brother, huh Ash" Ashley smiled nodding her head as Corbyn groaned.

When we got to the R&B me and Ashley are sharing a room with our mom and Jordan share a room and Oscar is sharing a room with Corey, Zach and Daniel. 

"Girly, how are you?" Christina walked into our room as me and Ashley were talking about everything that has been happening on the floor. 

"Come join and I will tell you guys everything" Christina laid down next to me and they both listened to me talk about everything and how Oscar was there for me, I told them how it's affected me and how I'm started to gain feelings for Oscar, but not being ready for a relationship.

"Yeah girl I get you, like honestly, you where with Tristan for what 3 years, like I wouldn't want to move on so quickly, just because he moved on during your guys relationship it doesn't make him a better guy or whatever, just cause your still hurt about everything he's done to you doesn't mean it's wrong for you to move on, but I say wait and see how this week and half goes and if you still feel like you're gaining feelings for Oscar then tell him but if you feel like you only like him because he's there for you right now instead of Brad then just let it go" Christina was right, I don't know if I just like Oscar cause he is there for me instead of Brad my best friend since I was like 14, but sadly Brad passed away about 3 and a half years ago in a bad accident and now I'm just here with so much hurt in my heart, Brad was my first love, my first boyfriend, he was my first everything, first kiss, first time, everything. I never really healed from Brad's death but I jumped into a relationship right after, I didn't mean to but I did, worse part was he was Brad's best friend. 

"Yeah I'm gonna wait and see, but I really want to heal more from Brad's death, it sucks I can't just go to his grave everyday, if I wanted to, I would have to move back to London to be closer to him." I was staring at the ceiling just thinking.

"Hey, listen to me, if you want to move back to London to be there with his family and be closer to him, you should, also that accident wasn't your fault" Oscar said as him and the boys walked into the room, when Brad died, I had already meet everyone of Corbyn's friends, Oscar and Corey where the two I would always talk to about my pain and Brad and they where the first ones to know about Tristan.

"I probably should but I don't want to go alone." I said tearing up thinking about all the good times, Oscar pulled me into he's arms.

"I will go with you" Oscar said, Corbyn and my family agreed, my mom and dad feel like it's the best thing for me and they trust Oscar a lot, so it's official after Hawaii me and Oscar are moving two weeks after.

After moving to London about a month later, me and Oscar started a healing process, Brad's family helped me a lot through it all. After a year of us being there, me and Oscar started dating and decided to go back to L.A for a while, on our one year anniversary I got pregnant with our son, his name is Oscar Bradley Guerra, we call him Brad, Oscar loved the idea of us doing this, it's helped me a lot with my healing process, after we got married when Brad was 1, I got pregnant on our honeymoon and had little Isla Marisol Guerra, now that brad is 5 years old and Isla is 4 years old, me and Oscar live in London and we are super happy, we moved here when Isla was 6 months old, Bradley loves singing and playing the piano, Isla loves dancing and soccer, overall we are happy, Tristian and me are friends again, he actually moved back to London with his now wife Anna, I still visit Brad often, I keep him updated with my life and all of our friends lives, after all he is my best friend, no matter what no one can replace him, well maybe Oscar can but that's okay. 

Guys, thank you for 2k reads like what the fuck, but anyways I love and hate this chapter it's sad but happy I don't know. but anyways.... what do you guys think?

P.S if you can figure out who is Brad and Tristian I will give you a cookie:)

Okay Let's ZOOOOMMMM to the next chapter. 

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