I guess I'm in love (sad) ~ Daniel Seavey

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Daniel's Pov

I sat at my piano in my studio trying to think of lyrics for a new song but my mind was completely blank. Well not really it was just spinning with thoughts of Y/N. She's the girl next door, the girl who is worth the wait. She's the girl who doesn't care if you have nothing to say she will start a conversation about anything and everything. Me and Y/N meet in high school and i knew one day when I'm ready I will marry this girl but sometimes life doesn't work that way. She was diagnosed with lung cancer a year after she moved to L.A, it's was hard hearing the love of your life doesn't have much time to live. Me and Y/N got to do everything she's always wanted to do, we got married a year after her diagnosis, when she got a lot better we got pregnant and had a beautiful little boy and a beautiful little girl whom we named, Daniel Elias Seavey & Anna Aaliyah Seavey. On their first birthday Y/N got really sick again so Anna and Christian took care of them while I was in the hospital with my parents and her family. Chemotherapy stopped working for her, she wants given much time to live, but she always told me she wants scared to pass away, she had done everything she's ever wanted. She meet the love of her life, she had two beautiful twins, we went to so many places together, she saw me release 'the good times and the bad ones', she got to see me finish love back. She was their for so many things. She said me and the kids where the best thing to ever happen to her and I believe her cause she and the kids are the best thing to ever happen to me. I meet the love of my life in our French class freshman year, she was new to Portland and so I got to show her around and we soon became friends and after 11 months of knowing each other I asked her to be my girlfriend, we were just 14 when we first met, we were 15 when we started dating and we were 21 when we got married. Now at 22 I was losing her to a battle that shouldn't fucking exist in this world.

'Oh, I'm obsessed
With the way your head is layin' on my chest
How you love the things I hate about myself
That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again
Oh, I'm a mess
When I overthink the little things in my head
You seem to always help me catch my breath
But then I lose it again
When I look at you, that's the end'

Y/N will always be my go to person for anything she has been for all these years now it's just gonna be hard when she's no longer here. Y/N is asking for one thing and one thing only before she dies, she wants me to take her to the water. She's always loved the beach and i couldn't say no to her. I wanted to write this song to sing to her one last time.

'And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?
Butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love'

We sat on a blanket with everyone surrounded us, our friends, Corey's picture, the kids and our families. I grabbed my guitar and started singing the song that i wrote for the love of my life. She looked at me with her tired eyes but their was so much love in them, i know I'm looking at her the same way, she's had a soft smile and i couldn't help but smile back at her.

'And I love the way
You can never find the right things to say
And you can't sit still an hour in the day
I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough'

She truly brightened up everyone's days by one smile, we where all super sad that she would no longer be with us in a few hours but this was a time we cherished with her the most, she requested Jc to bring his video camera so we could film this moment with her. The kids where laying their head on Y/N's legs.

'Come close, let me be home for anything
Good or bad, I know it's worth it, whoa
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before
You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find
Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak
But I know now I found the one I love'

After I finished singing, Y/N clapped and she gave me a gently but sweet kiss. We all sat around watching the sunset when Y/N's eyes started gently closing, I didn't even noticed cause I was so focused on her being in my arms and my kids laying down besides us.

"Mommy?" Elias asked and that's when I looked at her and noticed her eyes slowly closing, I got up super quickly and rushed her to the hospital with the help of Tyler of course cause I was crying to hard.

"Baby don't care, it was supposed to end here baby, I love you so much and I guess I'm in love as well baby" Y/N said softly just above a whisper but I could hear her so clearly.

"I know baby, I love you so so much. I promise I will keep the kids safe, but baby please say hi to Corey for me" I told her and nodded slightly, we arrived at the hospital and she kissed me one last time and then her eyes closed completely. We rushed her into the hospital and it was something from a movie cause 20 minutes later came her doctor to tell us what we all already knew. She was gone, forever. I cried on my mom shoulder while she held me, the kids where also crying, they don't fully understand given they are almost 2 but they understood that their mom was no longer here.

"Elias, Aaliyah come here" I told them and Christian and Anna put them down I got on my knees and hugged them both super close to me, everyone was crying, the girls adored Y/N, all the boys loved her as their sister and my family loved her as one of their own. Especially my mom Y/N was her second daughter, her family was sobbing. After 20 minutes Mrs. Y/L/N came to hug me and the kids and my mom followed along, soon I felt everyone around us all getting support from one other.

Y/N's funeral was yesterday, all her family came from both sides, my family came as well. I sang the song in front of everyone, my kids sang 'me because of you' with Franny and Nezza, they decided on one of Y/N's favorite songs ever. After the service, I went home with the kids, luckily Christian moved back in with me cause I wasn't gonna be able to do this alone. It was all to much for me, I didn't stay to hear peoples sympathy, they don't know what I'm feeling, they haven't lost the love of their lives, they don't have to raise their kids on their own cause of a deadly disease that took over their parent! They don't know what the fuck I'm going through!

I walked into my studio and I was so pissed and upset, Why me! What did I do to deserve this! Why did I have to lose the best thing to ever happen to me! I broke a vase, some picture frames, I even broke a guitar. I fucking hate this! Why would you do this to her! She didn't deserve this! Non of this! Ughh!! After I finished with that I sat down at my piano and looked at the picture that was beside it hanging up on the wall, it was a photo of when Y/N meet the boys for the first time. She look so happy. She was so happy to see me on stage, she always loved seeing me perform. I always had her support and I knew that. I finished the song, it's called I guess I'm in love, me and the boys recorded it but I didn't like how it sounded and then I remembered Y/N had an insanely talented friend named Clinton Kane, I decided to send him the demo of the song and the lyric and told him I wanted him to have it, I told him it was a song I wrote for Y/N and he did take it, when it was released i gave it a listen to the song and it was everything I pictured for the song. I'm glad I gave him the song, I may be mad at the world, I may be upset that the love of my life is no longer here but I have something no one will ever have, that is Y/N's love, that's for me and my kids only. I will always love my girl, my kids will know everything about their mom and I won't leave out a single thing. I walked inside to see my kids and Christian asleep on my bed, I woke Christian up and he patted my back and gave me a hug before walking out, after a quick shower, I got into bed with my 2 blessings and held them close to me, soon falling asleep.

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