Babysitting ~ Kian Lawley

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Today Tab asked me and Kian to babysit mr. Hudson while she went to go run some errands and can I just say, I know damn well Kian don't know what the fuck his doing. So she asked me to come help my best friend with babysitting Hudson and I couldn't say no to her and helping my best friends sister.

"Kian!" I yelled walking into his apartment and I seen Hudson running to me and Kian running after him.

"Oh it's just you" Kian said.

"Hello to you to" I told him while lifting Hudson up in my arms. "Hi Hudson" he just smiled and hid his face in my neck. Kian huffed and said he was going to get dressed for the day.

"Hudson, do you want some food?" He simply nodded his head and I knew for a fact Kian only had cereal in his apartment.

"Kian want something to eat?" I asked him and heard a yes please being yelled back. I decided to get us ihop and just get 2 different kinds of pancakes with eggs and bacon, I got a single pancake for Hudson cause he doesn't eat as much anyways. While I waited for our breakfast to arrive I went to sit on the couch and put Hudson's favorite cartoon.

"Okay I'm done" Kian pointed out sitting next to me on his couch. Hudson was to entertained to noticed his uncle was besides him.

"You took like 3 hours what the hell where you doing?"

"I did not take 3 hours to get ready"

"Yeah you did"

"You take 3 hours to get ready" I gasped and smacked Kian's shoulder. This went on till the doorbell rang and I went to get out food.

Soon after eating we decided to head to target cause we had nothing better to do. 

"Hudson I have an idea, Whatever you touch, I will pay for" I told Hudson and all he said was toys. 

"I will pay for it shut up Y/N" 

"No you aren't Kian." While we where bickering again we walked to the toy aisles with Hudson in a cart. You see this was a normal event with me and Kian, we argue like an old married couple according to everyone but we just see it as us being best friends and nothing more. I love this idiot to death and I would do anything for him and his family, he became my family when I got kicked out and moved to California, he's been their for me every sense and he was always home to me. So moments when we babysit Hudson or flip together I wouldn't change them for anything in this fucking world cause he and the Lawley family are my family and I would do anything for Hudson even if it means babysitting him. 


Guys Please Go To Open Discussions!! I Need All Of Your Guys Help!! 


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