Bottles in the club ~ Oscar Guerra

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Today I'm waitering at the club that I work at, All Love, it happens to be a very popular club for the fact we have good music it's per good vibes all the waiters and waitresses are hot as fuck and we also like to represent all cultures and people that are apart of the LGBTQ+ community, everyone Is welcome here and we take request for all music and we make any drink you would like. Today was a Friday so it was naturally busy, I saw my friends Jc and Kian walking in with a group of people I didn't recognize, not gonna lie one of the bunch was super cute, he seemed to be Hispanic. This is the only place I could admit I'm Mexican and no one cares they actually are really interested in how I was raised and everything. It's nice not being judge about my race. 

"Y/N you have table 18!" My manager yelled cause the music was so load. Table 18 is our biggest table and it's the back but you are still close to the dance floor but a bit further away from the bar. 

"Hello I'm Y/N I will be your waitress till about 12 am" 

"Sup Y/N!" Jc and Kian said as they got up to hug me. 

"What can get you guys today?" I sorta yelled so that they can hear me. "Jc has his Anejo tequila" Jc smiled and I waited a bit for everyone to look at the menu. 

"Hey I'm Corbyn but can I get a mojitos?" Corbyn said in my ear. 

"Yeah sure Corbyn, do you want it with tequila or vodka?" I said back in his ear. 

"Tequila" Corbyn replied. 

"Any specific?" He shook his head no and I nodded and went to the guy next to him. 

"Hey I'm Jonah and I get a gin and tonic?" Jonah said in my ear yet again. 

"Sure Jonah" I walked to the next guy who was sitting next to Franny with his arm around her so this must be her boyfriend. 

"Hey Franny you are getting your usual?" Franny nodded her head and smiled at me she grabbed my hand and held it for a bit. 

"Hey I'm Daniel, can I possibly get a margarita?" 

"Yeah, just a question cause we make everyone's different, 1,2 or 3 shots of tequila?" 

"2 please" I nodded my head and went to the guys I thought was super fucking cute. 

"Hey I'm Oscar, can I please get dark and stormy" 

"Do you want it with lime juice?" 

"Yes, please" I nodded and everyone else got a simple beer. 

I went to the bar and started making all drinks. I took all the beers to the table and gave Jc his shot. I went back and grabbed everyone else's drinks, I gave Nezza and Franny their drinks and I passed out everyone else's their drink. After about an hour I was called back to table 18. 

"Y/N we want bottles!" Everyone yelled. I nodded and went to grab a bottle of 1942 and Tito's I grabbed multiple cups for them, Andrew my best friend/coworker helped me carry 2 bucks of ice for them. Everyone cheered when they saw the bottles I brought for them. 

After I placed the bottles and everything else down everyone thanked me, I told them that Andrew was now gonna be their waiter even though they got kinda sad but I told them I would be at the bar for about 2 hours before I can party with them, which they where fine with. So I went to the bar and started serving drinks for people. 

About an hour and a half later Oscar came to the bar and took a sit close to me, the bar started dying down cause everyone went to go dance. 

"What's up Oscar? Do you need anything?" I asked him, the bar was a lot more quieter so I like that. 

"Yeah your number" Oscar smirked. 

"Smooth, but okay give me your phone" I typed my number for him and gave it back to him. "My shift is over do you want to go party or do you want to want to chill here fo a bit?" 

"I want to chill here" I nodded and told him I was gonna go get changed. Once I came back Oscar was right where I left him. I changed into my favorite black dress. "Wow you are beautiful" Oscar said as he was checking me out he grabbed my hand and spun me around to get a good look at me. 

"Thank you, you aren't so bad yourself." I said to him, he playfully rolled his eyes at me, I was standing in between Oscar's legs and we were just talking and drinking some club soda with tequila and lime juice. 

"Okay so how old are you?" Oscar asked. 

"I'm 26" I told him.

"I'm 27"

"Oh look at that a year older than me, most of Jc's friends are usually under the age of 25" Oscar agreed and he was saying how Will was also 27 and Dyl was also around that age. 

"You know I meet a lot of guys here like a lot but by far you are the most interesting person by far. Also the most attractive one" Oscar smiled at me, I know I'm a little drunk cause now I'm being even more straight up than before. 

"You are one of the most attractive women I have ever seen" Oscar grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I want to kiss you" He whispered and I just pulled him closer and kissed him. 

"Hey guys let's go party we just got another bottle" Christian said. We shoo him away and we made out for about a minute. Once we pulled away I grabbed a bottle of silver patron for just me and Oscar, we went to where everyone was dancing and just having a fun ass time. 

Me and Oscar continued drinking our bottle and dancing together, the group where having the time of their lives which is amazing, at around 2 am we always have Hispanic music playing. Obviously I got super excited and we where just dancing and singing along to the songs that where playing. Once our bottle was done me and Oscar decided to leave, not gonna lie I was a bit drunk. I went and closed my tab after getting another bottle to take home. We ordered an uber and went to my apartment. 

"Okay we are here" I grabbed Oscar's hand and he had the bottle in his free hand. Once we where able to get into my apartment we where just drinking the other bottle, one thing lead to another and the next morning I woke up with arms wrapped around me and Oscar was dead asleep next to me. I was able to get up and I grabbed the first shirt I seen which just so happened to be Oscar's I decided to go and wash my face and brush my teeth and I went to grabbed some water and Advil for me and Oscar, I also seen the 2 empty bottles of patron. Nice. I guess by seeing everyone's close friends stories I see that me and Oscar where drinking bottles in the club I work at. 

This night will be a night I would never forget 3 years later here we are happy engaged but we always hear the story of the bottles in the club which is what everyone named the story of how me and Oscar met. 

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