Stay With Me ~ Daniel Seavey

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This is inspired by the song Stay With Me by Jack and Jack. TW, SUICIDE, DEPRESSION, MENTION OF R*PE.

I have been feeling super lost this pass 3 months, I don't want to tell Daniel cause he's been touring so I've been writing down all my feelings cause I don't feel like paying so much money for a therapist. 

"Y/N!" Daniel yelled in my head as I was cutting my wrist, he was crying. I couldn't stop, I won't stop. "PLEASE STOP!" He was pulling his hair, he was trying to stop me, he was running was it to me? No he doesn't care about me. 

"Hey Y/N you okay?" My brother Sammy asked me, he was trying to open my bathroom door but I had locked it so him and Johnson couldn't come in. 

"Leave me alone Sammy" Another cut, this one is for Sammy. 

"Please Y/N you haven't come out in all day. We are worried" Johnson said, another cut for all my friends. 

"I'm fine" I'm not but no one can know that, another cut for the girls.

After 8 cuts and Sammy and Johnson trying to open my bathroom door I picked up the bottle of pills. This is for my r*pest, I knew him, he was a family friend, he took advantage of me, he abused my families trust, he ruined my life, I was only 8, 8, how the hell do you do that to an 8 year old! especially for 3 years, if Sammy and my dad would have gotten home when they did would he still do it? he probably would. 

"Y/N?" Jonah's voice was heard through my door, what the hell is he doing here.

"Y/N" Jack, Corbyn and Zach all said at the same time. 

"Baby, please open the door" Daniel said, he voice cracking slightly.

"I can't Daniel" I replied, taking one pill at a time. 

"Baby, please, I can help you" Daniel was now crying I can hear his sobs, his voice is cracking.

"Please move on Daniel" I took half the bottle of sleeping pills, I grabbed my anti-depression pills. I needed more than those sleeping pills.

"I can't do that baby, you know that, please just open the door" He tried opening the door but failed. 

"I found the key" I heard Sammy yell.

"I love you both so so much" I took the rest of my anti-depression pills. When they opened the door Daniel and Sammy immediately came to me trying to get the pills out of my mouth as Jonah called an ambulance.

"Y/N! PLEASE! GOD NO! NO! NO! PLEASE NOT YOU MY PRINCESS I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH! PLEASE STAY WITH ME!" Sammy yelled as he was crying trying to keep me awake.

"Y/N! PLEASE STAY WITH US! PLEASE! DEAR GOD PLEASE DON'T LEAVE! I LOVE YOU, EVEN IF YOU DON'T THINK I DO, BABY I LOVE YOU AND I NEED YOU HERE WITH ME!" Daniel was crying with his head on my stomach, that was the last thing I saw before it all turned black.

Daniel's POV

The day she did it, it changed everyone. It's been 3 months since the love of my life passed away in mine and her brothers arms. 

"Hey Daniel" Sammy said walking into my parents home, I'm back in Oregon with my family, I sold mine and Y/N L.A home, I packed up all mine and my daughters stuff and asked Sammy to please pack up Y/N stuff cause I really couldn't, so him and the boys have been packing all her stuff, there taking all of it to her parents home, when the fans found out Y/N had passed away they were all devastated, my management gave me and the boys 9 months off to write an album and to heal.

"Hey Sammy, what are you doing all the way over here?" he was carrying a box. 

"I came to bring you some stuff, I was cleaning out Y/N closet cause my parents are taking her stuff back home, but I found two boxes with your name on them. One is full of your stuff and the other which I'm holding is fulled with other stuff and I also put in all of your guys pictures and a couple of her stuff I thought you might like" I took the box from and thanked him as he left. 

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