Crazy things you guys do together (Preference) ~ Whole Crew

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Daniel - Cliff jumping. You both love doing this for no particular reason, you guys just find it fun to do.

Zach - Go skydiving. Once a month you and Zach go to your sky diving lesson and then you guys  go skydiving, you recently finished all your lessons so now wherever Zach is on tour you meet him there when the boys have a day off and you guys skydive in a new place.

Jc - See the seven wonders in one week. You guys go to the most random places, more like the seven wonders of the world, no one really knows about it until you guys post about. 

Kian - Making stuff in the bathtub. You and Kian have started a random ass series on your guys youtube channel, the point is, in your master bathroom there is a massive tub and so you can sit in it and make stuff, you guys made bagels last night for no reason. 

Jonah - Run a marathon. Neither of you run but it was some random idea Jonah came up with, it happens once a year, this year you guys are going to New York for a marathon, so you train to run a marathon and run it.....

Corbyn - Make a scavenger hunt around town. LA seems like a good place for this right. Not really, but Jon always makes it for you guys, you both make it a race from the studio and back to Corbyn's house. 

Crawford - Hit the thrift shops, put together a crazy outfit, and wear it to the clubs. You and Crawford love going to the clubs, so you guys decided to make a series on youtube and every weekend you guys always hit a new club or bar and look insane while doing so. 

Oscar - Karaoke in a bar that doesn't have karaoke. You and Oscar are that crazy couple, this happens at least once a month, you even did this on Crawfords birthday....

Jack - Try to break a Guinness World Record. It's pretty self explanatory. But you guys always try to break one each month.

Will - Sneak into multiple movies. This random idea came from a fan, but this has been a recurring date night for you and Will. Every month you guys buy a ticket to one movie and after it's over you guys sneak into another movie, you have to hit at least 3 movies that day.

Dyl - Go skinny dipping.  This doesn't need much explanation, but this does happen once a month and it's always somewhere new. 

Danny - Have a Walmart version of a Mario kart race. Every month you and Danny go online or in stores and find anything that you can have a race in. You guys go to random hills and race to the bottom. 

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