Self Care Livestream ~ Kian Lawley (Requested)

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Requested by: @itsmejaliyah

Today, me and Kian are doing a self care livestream. I'm not completely nervous or anything giving i have my own social media job, i'm a big youtuber, so joining Kian on a livestream everyone was freaking out because i was joining him. It also doesn't help that everyone ships us together. 

"Hello everybody!" Kian yelled and i covered my ears. 

"Kian what you so loud for? goddamn" I told him and he just laughed. 

"Guys Y/N, Y/N chat" i waved to say hi. "Okay so guys today we are doing face mask!" Kian yelled.

"We are doing a self care routine" I said sarcastically. Kian and me held up different self care products, such as, face mask, nail products, a hair mask, skin care products and everything with spa treatments.  

"LET'S GET STARTED!" Kian yelled again.

"Kian!" I smacked Kian's arm to get him to stop. 

"Sorry, i forgot you hate yelling" Kian apologized, i pulled him into a side hug telling him it's okay. 

"Let's just get started" I told him while chat was acting a little more crazy than usual according to Kian.  

Grabbing a clay face mask off Kian's desk, i grabbed my brush for the mask and looked at Kian. "You ready idiot?" I asked but giggled at the duck face Kian was making. 

"Why did you call me an idiot?" 

"Why did you make a duck face?" 

"Good Point" I nodded and started applying the face mask to Kian's face. 

After applying a thin layer of the mask to Kian's face, he grabbed the container in which the face mask was put in and he looked straight at me. 

"If you dare trying to apply that mask with your fingers i'm promise i'm gonna-" Kian placed his right hand fingers on my face with the mask, smearing the mask across my forehead. 

"Simba" Kian laughed, I scold him for doing such a thing. 

"Bitch you better sleep with one eye open" I glared at Kian and he immanently stopped laughing. 

The chat started going crazy, cause apparently me and Kian acted a lot like siblings, which is very true. He is and probably always will be my best friend. Going along with the self care, i convinced Kian to let me style his hair. 

"Okay chat, do i curl it?" Chat going crazy and Kian freaking the hell out.

"HELL NO! YOU CAN PUT GEL ON IT BUT THAT'S IT!" Kian yelled at me. I pout in annoyance and Kian groaned. "UGGGGHHHHH! NO!" I continue to pout to try to convince him and his well aware of what i was trying to do. "NOOOOO! Read my lips, N-O, NO" Kian sighed afterwords and squeezed my checks to get rid of pout and make my lips in duck lips "Fine" I started clapping and ran to my room to grab my curl iron. 

"See chat it only took about 20 minutes, before he decided to say yes!" I yelled once i walked back into the room with my curl iron in had. After i walked in, we went and took off the face mask and put on our moisturizer and i did a little bit of a nighttime skincare for Kian. 

"I don't want to do this" Kian whined as i plugged in the curling iron and grabbed some heat protectant and started spraying his hair. 

"You will be fine" I reassured, i actually don't know if he will be fine but it's okay. I brushed out his hair and started grabbing pieces of Kian's hair, with his short as fuck hair, it was a little difficult at first but after 3 strands and almost 4 burns later, i started getting the hang of it. 

"You almost burnt me like 8 times! What the hell!" Kian complained, i scoff at his complaints. 

"Stop being a baby, it was only 4 times" I giggled and he turned in his chair to face me. 

"Say you're sorry" He demanded.    

"No" Kian stood up. 

"Say you're sorry" He demanded again, i shook my head saying no and then i was on the floor. 

"HEY YO! WHAT THE FUCK BITCH! GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF OF ME!" I yelled and started slapping Kian's back. 

"Say you're sorry" Kian said in my ear. I decided to do the one thing i knew would get him off of me. I licked his check. 

"EWWWWWW! NOT AGAIN FUCK!" Kian immediately got up and went to wash his face. 

"See chat this is why you don't tackle me" I told chat, lowkey kinda forgot Kian was streaming. 

"Okay chat now that i got Y/N's germs off my face time to eat and answer some questions" Kian told his chat, as we both sat down and got settled ready to eat. 

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