Taking Chances & Goodbyes ~ Corbyn Besson

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Today was my birthday I turned 22 this year. Early this morning we went to see Corey and had breakfast with him. After being there from 6 to like 12 we all decided to go and get ready for our little get together later, no one really noticed but I decided to stay behind for a bit. 

"Hey Corey, I haven't been here in a while, I'm sorry but life's been a little crazy for me. Xander is two and he looks so much like you, he loves hearing stories about you, and I got this huge opportunity to move to New York for two years to become a writer. If it all goes good I would be moving to London but I don't think I'm gonna take this opportunity though, I don't want to leave you or our friends behind. I know this is something I've always wanted to do, but I wanted to do it here in California, I don't want to move halfway across the country for this. If I did this you could come with me like the boyfriend you are, you would tell me, 'let's go your doing this and I'm going with you'. I guess a part of me doesn't want to let go yet, my therapist tells me I should but it's not easy to let someone you know go" I felt arms wrapped around me and I noticed the tattoos of Jc Caylen.

"Why are you turning down this offer Y/N?" Jc asked me.


"I don't want a bullshit answer" Jc said letting me go and looking at me. 

"I'm scared" 


"I know that, but dude I can't just..."

"Your scared to move on aren't you" I nodded slightly starting to tear up a bit.

"Y/N, New York is huge, London is huge, you are getting a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something you love, don't let any of us stop you from that. Corey wouldn't even be mad if you found someone new. Dude you literally turned down Corbyn, someone who would do anything for you just Corey would, who would do anything for your and Corey's son, you told him no and he respected that, Because that's how much he fucking cares. Y/N it's been two year, I know you love Corey, but I also know you are falling for Corbyn, I also know how much you want to do this. Y/N you have to let go, I'm not saying forget Corey no, I'm saying take the risk, fall in love again, let Xander grow up with a dad, we can barely keep up with ourselves dude, but it's crazier when you add Xander into the risk. Corey was ready to be a dad dude, Corbyn is too, before you say shit listen to me, Y/N, Corbyn loves Xander and you so much, listen I'm not trying to convinced you to date him, I stood by cause I was looking for you, Y/N take the opportunity, please. You have to take it, you are one of the best writer I know. Please, please take the opportunity." 

"Jc..." I sighed, he had point about it all.

"No, No, I don't want a  Jc I can't, you are doing it" 

"Okay fine."  We got up, I kissed Corey's grave and Jc put his hand on it, we said our goodbyes and Jc pulled me into a side hug and kissed my forehead. 

"I love you" He whispered.

"I love you idiot" We laughed and got into his car. Xander had left with Franny and Daniel. 


About 3 hours later, me and Xander finished getting ready in our apartment and I texted Corbyn asking him if he could pick me up, he said of course. When he got to our apartment and knocked on the door. 

"Hey Corbyn" I said opening the door letting him in. 

"Sup beautiful" I blushed slightly but he couldn't see as he brought me into a hug. 

"Coby!" Xander came running into the living room. Coby is what Xander started calling Corbyn when he first started talking, like he calls Jc, J cause it's easier for him.

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