Separation Anxiety ~ Christian Seavey (Requested)

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I was helping my husband Christian pack his suit case for his annual trip with the Camboys. This year they where going to Vegas since Danny is finally 21. As I finished up folding all of Christian clothes and putting them in his suitcase. 

"Babe?" I asked Christian quietly, I didn't think he would hear me but he did.

"Yeah" He came out of the bathroom with his night bag ready. 

"How long will you be gone for?" I've been very anxious with him leaving, I'm trying to be strong and not show him that I'm losing my mind. 

"A week, baby are you sure you are gonna be okay? I won't go if you won't be okay." I started shaking my head at him.

"No, no, no go I want you to have fun and be safe." He nodded slowly and hugged me. 

"Baby, Franny, Ann-Marie and Nezza will be here with you, you won't be alone at all I promise." I zipped up his suite case which Christian put by the door, we both lay down on the bed cuddling up to each other and put on Kevin's new youtube video. 

I soon started falling asleep but Christian kept kissing me so I couldn't fully fall asleep. 

"Christian, what are you doing?" I asked him in-between kisses. 

"Just having some fun" he smirked. 

"Asshole" I giggled. 

"You love it though" After some fun times, we both fell asleep.

At 5 am we get woken up to Christians alarm and Reggie calling him. 

"Yes, Reggie" I answered Christian's phone. 

"Y/N where is your husband?" Reggie yelled into his phone. 

"In the shower you dusty musty croc" I heard a gasp from Reggie. 

"Don't ever make fun of my crocs, anyway tell him we are 5 minutes away." 

"Okay cool" I hung up as Christian came out of the bathroom fully dressed. 

"I love you, come on let's go to the door" I nodded as Christian threw me one of his hoodies. 

We both walked downstairs to the front door before the boys got here. Christian was hugging me. 

"Babe I'm gonna miss you."

"So am I baby, but listen to me, just cause I'm leaving just remember I'm one phone call away if you ever need me. I will always be here with you okay." I nodded my head and gave him one final kiss and sent him off with the boys. 

~2 days later~ 

Me and the girls decided to go shopping, we invited Cassie, Tara, Katrina & Jillian to come with us and grabbed brunch somewhere nice. 

"Did you guys see what Danny posted on snapchat?" Jillian showed us her phone laughing, Jc and Daniel arguing cause Daniel lost 10k on green, we all started laughing when my phone started ringing. 

"Hello?" I answered without seeing who was calling. 

"Hey Babyyyy" Christian slur his words, I sighed feeling a little anxious. 

"Christian are you drunk?" 

"Mayyyybbbbeeeee" I heard Kevin take Christian's phone away from him. 

"Y/N?" Kevin yelled into Christian phone.

"Yeah? Also Kev don't yell" I pulled away the phone slightly as he yelled into it. 

"Sorry, anyway I just wanted to tell you that I'm taking Christian to the hotel room cause his out of his mind drunk." He explained as I heard Christian saying no. 

"Okay, hey I got to go okay I'll talk to you guys later" 

"Okay love you girl" I told Kevin I loved him to and hung up. As I was walking back to the girl I couldn't stop being really anxious. I know when we get home I will start having a panic attack and I don't want to ruin anyones fun or have the girls worry. 

"Hey girls can we go home? I don't feel good" I asked and they all nodded, Nezza and Cassie walked beside me. 

We all decided to go back to mine and Christian's home to have a movie night. 

I went upstairs into mine and Chris' room to get changed when I started to have a really bad panic attack in my closet. I guessing I was taking to long that Tara came into my room and once she saw me she called for the rest of girls. 

"Y/N?! Babes what's wrong?" Tara asked as she came to hug me. 

"Christian" Was all I said for Franny to walk out. When she came back she came and hugged as well as the rest of the girls. After about 2 hours I fell asleep. Around 5 hours later I felt someone pick me up and faint talking. I opened my eyes and seen my Husband Christian. 

"Babe? What are you doing here?" I asked him as he played down on the bed hugging me tighter. 

"Franny called Kevin and he told me so me and him got a rental and drove back home. You needed me and I'm here" 

"You didn't have to do that for me" I looked at him and lightly kissed him. 

"Yes I did, you are my main priority, I love you" 

"I love you" and we fell asleep in each others arms. 


Okay I'm sorry if that's shit but I hope you enjoy it @abbymartin15

Also thank you for 15k reads, I appreciate all the love!:) 


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