My Everything ~ Christian Seavey

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You are my everything.

We may be young, But who cares

You are the only guy I want to love forever

He is someone I have fallen for but won't ever dare to tell him, Christian Seavey, my best friend, the guy who just wants me for my body, the guy I have fallen head over heels for.

I walked up the drive way to the Seavey household, the only way these 3 dumbfucks afford this house is cause Daniel makes all kind of money with his band. Nah I'm just kidding, Daniel just pays for most of it.

"Bitches I'm home" Franny turned the corner in Daniel's shirt. "Dang girl, was he at least good?" me and Franny laughed

"Hey I can hear you!" Daniel yelled walking in behind Franny. 

"Oh, my bad small dickhead" 

"Hey! No, my dick is big and amazing" I grabbed a glass of water and sat down on a stool at the island.

"It's neither of those things Daniel" Tyler smacked the back of Daniel's head as I burst out laughing.

"Franny don't lie, is he good in bed?" 

"I guess" She said playing along.

"Ha, Daniel's small dick doesn't do him much justice does it Franny"

"He ain't that small he just sucks ass at fucking someone" Franny said with so much sarcasm it's not even right. I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair but Christian caught me sitting me up straight again, he kissed my forehead before walking to the fridge, may I add he's shirtless.

"Hey!" Daniel yelled at Franny, while I high five her.

"Okay I'm leaving cause these two are gonna get laid and I don't want to hear shit" Tyler said walking out the door. 

"I'm gonna go lay down, Daniel do my girl right please, also don't forget protection" 

"I would tell you the same thing but you use birth control, so have fun" I flipped her off before running to Christian's room. 

"Okay for one what the hell was that all about? And two why didn't tell me you're on birth control?" Christian asked as he walked into his room, while locking his door.

"One, We where being sarcastic and two Isn't important" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why you being so bitchy all of the sudden?" Christian asked getting mad, this dickhead. 

"I don't know Christian maybe it's cause you're being a dick" I raised my voice a bit, Christian tried to kiss me but kept on moving. 

"Stop moving dammit! Let me kiss you!" 

"Nah" I said pushing him away, I need to end this before I end up more hurt than before.

"Okay what's wrong?" Christian asked me sitting next to me on his bed.

"Nothing is-" I was cut off.

"Don't give me some bullshit that it's nothing, tell me. I'm your best friend and I deserve to know." He's right but I don't want to tell him.

"I LIKE YOU, OKAY IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR?" I yelled cause at this point he was getting annoying and I couldn't handle it.

"I like you too, I only like you, you are the only girl I want, no one else, please be mine even though you already are mine" I nodded and kissed him for my response and he knew I had said yes cause he kissed me back and smiled into the kiss. "So yes?"

"Yes you idiot" 


I'm back!! sorry I was gone but I went camping but I'm back now,

So next one, shall we, ZOOOOOOMMMMMMM.

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