Chapter 94

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You- do I look okay?

Isaiah- ion know about that dress.

You- what? *faces him* it's ugly?

Isaiah- way too tight, and short.

You-*laughs* oh whatever, are you ready to go?

Isaiah- yeah, *shrugs* we're only two and half hours late.

You- *laughs* better late than never, come on let's go. You're staying the night with me right?

Isaiah- yeah, but I have to work so I won't be here when you wake.

You- *sighs* okay, well let's go.


Twist- you finally decided to show huh?

Issa- *laughs* and you brought somebody.

Ace- must be Isaiah.

You- how do you know his name?

Ray- you think Diggy wasn't going to tell us?

You- *rolls eyes* should've known. But yes this is Isaiah.

Ace- I'm ace.

Issa- I'm Issa.

Ray- I'm Ray.

Twist- I'm twist. Nice to meet you.

Isaiah- nice to meet you too.

Ace- how long y'all been dating?

You- are you guys gonna attack him with questions?

Issa- *laughs* of course. You go get him a drink or something, by the time you come back we'll be done.

You- is that okay with you?

Ace- he a big boy, he'll be fine. We ain't gone kill em.

Twist- *laughs* way too many witnesses.

You- Ray.

Ray- *laughs* they ain't gone hurt em, that'll piss you off and we don't want that. He'll be fine, give us 15 minutes.

You- fine, okay..feel free to walk away if they get out of line.

Isaiah- *laughs* alright.

You- did you want something to drink?

Isaiah- nah, I'm fine.

You- okay, I'll be back.

Isaiah moved his hand from around your waist so you could walk off. You walked to the bar and decided to just do two shots. After the burning sensation went away, you decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up. Thankfully the bathroom was empty, so you didn't see any females puking, or passed out in a stall or on the floor. Enough time still hasn't passed so you decided to just walk around and speak to the very few people you saw and knew. As you were making your way back to Isaiah Diggy grabbed your arm pulling you to the second vacant building that was connected to the club.

You- Diggy stop, what are you doing?

Diggy- what are you wearing?

You- let me go, we aren't together so why does it matter?

Diggy- yeah, but your still my kids mom. That shit too short.

You- *snatches arm from him* It's not, stop looking at me and pay more attention to Alicia.

Diggy-*laughs* I do, you pay attention to her more then anything. Why is that?

You- because you talking about bringing that bitch around my children, I have too.

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