Chapter 89

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A/N ; I'm going to skip to where Christian is out of school for summer break and today his 6th birthday.

Ms. Justine insisted having it at her house, you didn't want her too but it was going to be cheaper that way rather than you and Diggy renting out some place. Christian's theme was weren't surprised when he said that. That's where he's been spending most of his time doing this summer, either at the studio or at a park with Breshay. Speaking of Breshay, Andrew had the nerve of bringing his "girlfriend" India to Christian's party. She was pretty, you were happy for him but at the same time you were upset. He barely pays you any attention anymore and it's kind of irritating. But anyways, Chris showed up without Shelby thank god. The omg girlz came, Lexi Adrian came of course as a couple, with Milan. Your mom even flew in town for the week, which is shocking. The rest were the guys, or some of Diggy's big ass family. Or some were friends of a friends.

Diggy- why don't you sit down? It's okay to breath for a moment.

You-*laughs* I am breathing, I just was taking some pictures.

Diggy- did you even eat?

You- no, but I'm not hungry.

Diggy- *stands up* sit down, I'll bring you something.

You-*sits* but I'm not hungry.

Diggy- just sit for a minute alright? I'll be back.

He walked off, you sighed facing the correct way to see who was at the table. It was Chris, you sighed again turning back around.

Chris-*laughs* chill alright?

You- *turns back around* I am chill.

Chris- why are you tripping? She ain't even here.

You- shit I know. Why not?

Chris-*laughs* don't play dumb, it ain't a good look.

You-*rolls eyes* I'm glad she knew better.

Chris- she ain't that stupid to fuck up some event. A kids event at that.

You- she ain't have no problem kissing his dad while he could've been right next door. So ion see why she wouldn't but whatever.

Chris- how many months has it been?

You- i do-

Chris- it's been more then enough months for both y'all to get over this shit. I got Christian a gift, it's in my car. Where y'all putting it?

You- in the living room, by the piano

Chris- alright..

He got up walking out the backyard with Twist. Diggy came over sitting a plate in front of you before sitting next to you.

You- I told you I wasn't hungry..

Diggy- yeah but you haven't ate all day, ion need you fainting and shit.

You- *laughs* I'm okay.

Diggy- eat some, you don't even gotta eat all of it. Take a bite or four.

Seeing that he wasn't going to give up anytime soon, you started eating. What you didn't finish Diggy finished it up.

You- I'll be back

Diggy- where you going?

You- inside to talk to your mom.

Diggy- alright.

You went back inside the house, into the kitchen where most the aunts, grandparents were at.

Justine- you guys ready for cake and ice cream?

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