Chapter 116

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Dean- the relationship has potential, it always does. However, if the participants aren't willing to put in effort to keep the potential in the relationship, it's a waste of time. (YN) you might as well start dating other people, same with you Daniel.

You- even if I did want to see other people he wouldn't allow it. He'll run off any guy who thinks he has a chance, or he'll do something to make me want him.

Dean- something like what?

You- he'll do something so little as kissing me, and because I love him I can't get myself to push him away.

Dean nodded her head, then bit the top part of her pen before clicking it and writing something down. You looked at Diggy but right back at Dean when she started to speak.

Dean- so you two have gone through a break up once before?

You- a couple of times, yeah.

Diggy- but this one is different.

You- different?

Dean- how does this break up differ from the ones you two have gone through Daniel?

Diggy- if (YN) and I can't bounce back from this, then we won't work. Coming to you was our last option.

Dean- (YN) you were thinking otherwise?

You- *sighs* no, I knew that this was our only option but I didn't think if therapy didn't work we wouldn't even try to be boyfriend and girlfriend again.

Diggy- I'm a shitty boyfriend, and if we don't fix things I want her to have better.

Dean- well how do you even expect her to have better if you pull her right back in? (YN) seems strong, but not strong enough to let you go. I'm sorry to say this, but I feel like you know she's strong but weak for you and you use that weakness to the best of your availability.

You- what do you mean to the best of his availability?

Dean- Daniel.

Diggy- I do know that, and I do use it against her. When she's out with a different guy and being so called happy, I'm miserable. I can't eat, I start doing things you shouldn't do when you have children. In order to save myself, I get her away from whatever guy and I seduce her..and once that's finished everything I've done the night before ends. Just as much as she needs me, I need her more.

You- Diggy what are you talking about?

Dean- Daniel, would you like to elaborate more?

Diggy- no, I don't want too. I just wanted to say how I wish for her to have better but won't let her go.

You- in other words, selfishness.

Diggy- (YN), without you and our kids I probably wouldn't be breathing today. I don't call it selfishness, it's me trying to fucking survive.

You- *shakes head* okay, whatever.

Dean- no, what is the issue (YN)?

You- he doesn't get to say things like that, he doesn't get to do drugs or go out sleeping with women because we break up. He doesn't get to do that when I'm the one who should be doing drugs and sleeping with other men.

Diggy- I never said I did either one of those things.

You- so what did you do Daniel?

Dean- (YN), you can not pressure him into telling you something that he isn't quite ready to share.

You- it's not pressuring, it's me trying to make sure everything is out on the table otherwise we are here to discuss things that really don't matter.

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